Alexa fails to recognise the new voice commands

I have a Echo dot linked to my Vera Edge. A QUOP 1D relay attached and a scene saved to activate it. I have selected it on Vera so Alexa will discover it on the app. But Alexa still fails to recognise the voice commands. I know the relay works. I can turn it on and off via the Vera control but not via voice! Can anyone help??

What did you name the device? The voice recognition may be a challenge if it is too difficult for alexa to decrypt. Are you able to toggle the relay from the alexa app?

I named it ‘SOS alarm’. In way of explanation, what I am trying to do is allow someone who is disabled to 'activate a home based medical alarm that is monitored 24/7 by a health care team.
My idea is to use to a Amazon Dot so the person who is unable to use their hands can speak a command, that will activate a GOAP 1D relay switch, this is connected to a Radio Output Module that in turn activates the medical alarm. Simple really. But I am new to the whole voice activation side and really want to get this working.
Appreciate any help for this novice.

What does alexa answer when you say “turn on SOS alarm?”
As a general rule, alarm is a key word for alexa so I would avoid it in my devices. My guess is that you have to pick a name alexa can resolve.

Thanks Rafale, I think I have resolved the problem. As you said, it did not like certain words.
It will be a bit of trial and error I think.
Is there a good resource of acceptable words and commands available on line?
I will need to use them in the future.

It’s a constantly changing thing since it is hosted in the cloud unfortunately. My general impression is that anything which already means something to Alexa should be avoided. It’s a bit of trial and error.

I will need to come up with a basic command that all of my clients who are disabled can easily use.
Key words or phrases. At the moment, I am just telling Alexa to turn on or off the specific switch name. Not great, but it works.
Thanks again for your help.

Pick something unusual, and simple. Unlikely to be forgotten or used somewhere else.

We used to use ‘bubba’ as a key word. ‘garment’ is another one, but perhaps something more appropriate would be ‘tumble’ or ‘crisis’?


If you setup a routine, you can trigger something with your own name. I have one called “privacy mode” that set lights and roller shutters to my desidered state. It turns a vera scene wirh a less awkward name.

“Alexa, privacy mode”