Alexa with virtual switch

Cor, your file seems to be okay, I compared it to mine and it looks similar. My setup works (although not really needed anymore as scenes now work in Alexa Routines).

now a day later , and still they don’t show up in “manage Alexa”.

Anything else I can try?


Cor, I did a quick test on a veralite and found that it works instantaneously. Steps I did:

  1. create device via apps,
  2. device type: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:VSwitch:1
  3. device file: D_VSwitch.xml
  4. implementation file: I_VSwitch.xml
  5. save device
  6. reload luup and check device
  7. go to getvera and manage alexa, It shows the newly created virtual device.
  8. discover devices through alexa app shows the virtual device and can control it

Hi all,

One quick note if it helps anyone else. I modified the D_VSwitch.xml to add category and subcategory as suggested, but it still wasn’t showing in my list of devices to expose to alexa until I added a new virtual switch. That seemed to force it to reevaluate the list of devices and all my virtual switches immediately showed up to be exposed to alexa. I’m guessing if I had waited the 24 hours a job would have triggered sometime to rebuild he device list, but if you’re in a hurry, adding another virtual switch worked for me.

Given that the exported XML file is a text file, you can edit it in a text editor such as Notepad. However, I strongly recommend that you use an application that supports XSD schema validation such as Microsoft Visual Studio.

I am trying to add:

to the D_VSwitch.xml.
I have downloaded the file, edited it and than uploaded it using the following screen.

I waited more than an hour, but still when I go back and download the file, I still see the old one.

Any idea ?

From my side, even if vswitch appears in device list (Vera side), Alexa do not detect them ? Did i miss something ?

Have you configured them to be available for Alexa than asked Alexa to find them?

Log in to
Click on your name top right
Click Manage Alexa

Once you’re done you need to go to the Alexa app and search for new devices and / or scenes


Sure I did. They are shown on the Vera, selected, renamed but did not appear on Alexa after détection.

Edit : vswitch no more shown on Vera page
 WTF ?

Pass, sorry :frowning:

I only use the Switchboard plug-in to create and manage all my virtual (binary) switches (it even has a built-in provision for inheriting any existing VSwitch devices!).

Interestingly, because I use this naming convention for all virtual switches:

VS: Hall Bathroom Light

which contains a colon (which Alexa refuses to accept during “Discovery”), I must first give each of them an Alexa-friendly alternative name, usually just:

Hall Bathroom Light

so that verbal commands remain natural (“Alexa, turn on hall bathroom light”).

This approach grants me the slight advantage that all my virtual switches appear (alphabetically) together in UI7’s “List” view, as well as on the “Manage Alexa” screen, so that I quickly notice any new ones I recently added.

Pretty much anything that was once a Scene on my Vera is now a VS that both Reactor (and Alexa) can both control and react to.

Ahh I wonder if that’s it. Try with Switchboard. That’s also what I have with no issues.

I seem to recall something about VS now not liking Alexa


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I can confirm switchboard virtual switches show up in Alexa

Not all switchboard virtual switches show in alexa, No window coverings or door locks.