ALTUI : Version Log

INTRODUCTION to this plugin
read here

Version History

V 1.55.1680
V 1.52.1665
V 1.52.1660
V 1.51.1655
[glow=red,2,300]message not updated any more, it is superceeded by the Misc / Evolutions page inside the application itself[/glow]
Check latest release at the last message of this thread , or directly into the ALTUI application in the MISC/Evolutions page

V 1.38.1531

[ul][li]No Room selection in multiselect button in device and scene pages[/li]
[li]new OS Command button to quickly see errors and warnings in Lua Log[/li]
[li]change of logo[/li]
[li]Adjust of button size in Room page[/li][/ul]

V 1.37.1518

[ul][li]New menu item for check of newer versions[/li]
[li]New license page with paypal ordering[/li]
[li]Improve paypal submit to automatically indicate the footer user name[/li]
[li]Improve footer display to avoid flickering[/li]
[li]auto update reserved to registered users or for critical updates[/li][/ul]

V 1.37.1504

[ul][li]Auto update working even in remote access / https[/li][/ul]

V 1.37.1498

[ul][li]bugfix for workflow timers[/li]
[li]less agressive parallelism for workflow and custom page saving[/li]
[li]Recorder for scene/workflows[/li][/ul]

V 1.35.1479

[ul][li]Improvement of workflow scene saving[/li]
[li]Sanitizing workflows against bad deviceids[/li]
[li]Javascript performance optimization[/li]
[li]Improve scene active status display ( keep the last status )[/li]
[li]Fully support house mode for scheduled workflow transitions so that you can restrict it per mode like you do for scenes[/li]
[li]bugfix: no display of JS tabs when ALTUI plugin and UIx plugin are in the same JS file[/li][/ul]

V 1.35.1461

[ul][li]bugfix: empty ServerOptions[/li]
[li]bugfix api.getRoomObject[/li]
[li]bugfix History & workflow status refresh when one ajax call fails[/li]
[li]add TriggerOnly flag to workflow conditions[/li]
[li]Capitalize headers in HTMLUtils.array2Table() tables[/li]
[li]Improve workflow LUA loggin in non debug mode[/li]
[li]workflow transition evaluation is (schedule) OR (timer) OR ( All conditions ) are true[/li]
[li]Branding adjustments[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]Workflow import/export[/li]
[li]Display scene active status[/li]
[li]State action parameters can make use of Bag Variables[/li]
[li]Adjust custom page slider size and position[/li]
[li]bugfix: Showing zwave configuration parameters screen even when no parameters are set[/li]
[li]Edit button for Link Conditions[/li]
[li]Edit button for Link State Actions[/li]
[li]bugfix : clean up link delete in case of a state delete which uses that link[/li]
[li]OnEnterLua and OnExistLua capability for workflow states[/li]
[li]Display lua onenter onexit code in workflow report[/li]
[li]Concept of Workflow “Bag” of variables that are persistent across the workflow execution[/li]
[li]Workflow reset button on the workflow page[/li]
[li]resetWorkflow resets variables Bag[/li][/ul]

V 1.32.1422

[ul][li]bugfix: enable workflow to start immediately after saving[/li]
[li]bugfix: optimize memory used at time of ALTUI home page opening[/li]
[li]Scrollers in custom pages[/li]
[li]bugfix of alignment tools in custom pages[/li]
[li]House mode plugin cosmetic display[/li][/ul]

V 1.30.1406

[ul][li]New widget on custom page to distribute horizontally and vertically the selected widgets[/li]
[li]Gauge in custom panels can be inverted like Red Yellow Green instead of Green Yellow Red[/li]
[li]Custom page Save button in more obvious in RED and at the top level in the toolbar[/li]
[li]use of a Template to customize the display of variables in the custom pages[/li]
[li]display timestamps as readable date in custom pages[/li]
[li]Help button on dialog box is more effective[/li]
[li]Fix scene search code for workflow scheduled transition[/li]
[li]remove the extraneous required attribute for action parameters in dialog box[/li]
[li]Display state and transition IDs in the workflow report[/li]
[li]fix the extra quote for request_image display url[/li][/ul]

V 1.30.1394

[ul][li]Scene: Clone of scene including clone of watches[/li]
[li]Workflow: improve lua logs[/li]
[li]Workflow: Enable workflow scheduled transitions based on same scheduling abilities as Scenes[/li]
[li]Workflow: LUA driver: fixed timers and scheduled transitions[/li]
[li]Workflow: LUA driver: Reset button resets timers and workflows[/li]
[li]bugfix: setDeviceStateVariablePersistent onSuccess[/li]
[li]bugFix: workflow save button status[/li][/ul]

V 1.29.1381

[ul][li]bugfix: timer and workflow status refresh[/li]
[li]bugfix: workflow history display[/li]
[li]bugfix: prevent empty conditions in workflow[/li]
[li]Pause individual workflow feature[/li]
[li]new UPNP call to reset a workflow to Start state. resetWorkflow( altuiid )[/li]
[li]watch expression evaluation protected by pcall() to avoid luup crashes[/li]
[li]bugfix: force Timer name and duration to be filled in together[/li][/ul]

V 1.28.1369

[ul][li]Workflow editor : improved label positioning UI[/li]
[li]Workflow history feature: table showing states & transitions which happened[/li]
[li]Workflow area resize and scrolling if needed[/li]
[li]bugfix in plugin pages: (updates were not working anymore)[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]Fix a potential no Handler issue[/li]
[li]Saving workflows triggers a reload in the backend[/li]
[li]delete Icon to empty a device variable[/li]
[li]UIx api contributions from cybermag[/li]
[li]Only display workflow JSON when saving in DEBUG mode[/li]
[li]Confirm delete dialog before deleting a transition[/li]
[li]Sanitize workflow data structure against bad device numbers[/li][/ul]

V 1.25.1349

[ul][li]Blockly editor for editing workflow transition expressions[/li]
[li]New Workflow report feature to see a complete texual report of a workflow definition [/li]
[li]Holiday plugin dashboard display update[/li][/ul]

V 1.24.1340

[ul][li]Workflow Start state supports conditions like a link. Any matched condition will bring back the workflow to the start state[/li]
[li]OnEnter OnExit actions of a state can also be running a scene now[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]Support for dynamic Icons / Hue2 - Cybrmage[/li]
[li]Small speech recognition update for french[/li]
[li]Enable workflow transitions to have both conditions and a timer[/li]
[li]Clickable lua expressions (for edit) for workflow transitions[/li]
[li]Movable link lables on the workflow graph editor[/li]
[li]Fix jointjs script loading for remote access[/li]
[li]Enable device zigbee BT zwave filter to not be mutually exclusives[/li][/ul]

V 1.22.1320

[ul][li]Persistent workflow state after a reload/reboot[/li]
[li]Persistent timers after a reload/reboot[/li]
[li]Disabling workflow mode reset all workflows to start state and no pending timers[/li]
[li]Display of active state name in the workflow box[/li]
[li]Enabling saving a single workflow[/li]
[li]Zigbee and BT devices filter[/li][/ul]

V 1.19.1301

[ul][li]IFrame in custom page can have a relative url[/li]
[li]donotdelete device feature when HideDeleteButton is ==1[/li]
[li]Improve device draw error catch display[/li]
[li]Fix missing scripts in local mode[/li]
[li]Click on generic table shows a form with all details[/li]
[li]Add Jointjs on credit page[/li]
[li]fix css to avoid white border on custom page widget editor[/li][/ul]

V 1.19.1288

[ul][li]IE 11 fix in verabox.js[/li]
[li]Fix in Lua for lul_device in DataStorageProvider notification[/li]
[li]Logical Workflows : Proof of Concept: only UI is fonctional[/li]
[li]Run Scene button active from the scene editor screen[/li]
[li]Fix BLockly device block to support “No Room” option[/li]
[li]New ALTUI device setting / option / UPNP action to enable (or not ) the workflow mode.[/li]
[li]Fix for Display Watches display page[/li]
[li]New Pretty() lua function - akboer[/li]
[li]Use of ACE editor in various places and add copy to clipboard buttons[/li]
[li]Resizable ACE editor windows[/li][/ul]

V 1.17.1264

[ul][li]ACE Editor for Scene lua code[/li]
[li]Bugfix for Plugin GetFile API impacting plugin page[/li]
[li]Bugfix for scene decoder to protect against bad device ID[/li]
[li]ACE Editor theme option[/li]
[li]ACE Editor font size option[/li]
[li]zWave device display filter[/li][/ul]

V 1.17.1250

[ul][li]resizable , syntax colored editor (ACE) for LUA editors. (thx vosmont)[/li]
[li]Support for urn:antor-fr:device HVAC_ZoneThermostat, bug with displays, could also improve other thermostats[/li]
[li]support for Combination Plugin. Plugin gives AND/OR and nice boolean condition capabilities but was not displaying properly in ALTUI[/li]
[li]Show controller of plugins in plugin page, useful for multicontroller setup configurations[/li]
[li]Reset button on UI7 page triggers a config reset to default and a LUUP reload. useful since there is no easy way to reload from the UI7 anymore[/li][/ul]

V 1.15.1237

[ul][li]Speech recognition on supporting HTML5 browsers[/li]
[li]new pretty lua function - akboer[/li]
[li]Project ALTUIBox for backend (nodejs backend GitHub - amg0/ALTUI: Enhancement Interface for VERA home automation system)[/li]
[li]adding device name in DataProvider Push notifications callback[/li]

[li]Icons request on the same port as the one of the main controller url (openLuup)[/li][/ul]

V 1.13.1213

[ul][li]fix gauge display in custom pages[/li]
[li]add ability to click on Icon widget : you can launch a scene or an action on the device of the icon[/li]
[li]add display as Icon capability to the OnOff Power button on custom pages so it displays as the device icon instead of the onoff button[/li][/ul]

V 1.12.1191

[ul][li]Cosmetic in variable push graphic page[/li]
[li]Cameras in custom page support an alert trigger ( device, variable, value ) which when true, display the camera in alert mode ( dialog on top of the custom page )[/li][/ul]

V 1.12.1184

[ul][li]Room filter button color fix: the button was staying “blue” sometimes[/li]
[li]Dimmer slider width fix : if the first device on the page was a dimmer , its dimmer scale was very short[/li]
[li]Refresh button for variable graph page to force a drawing refresh[/li][/ul]

[ul]Version History

V 1.12.1175
[li]next_run col in scenes table[/li]
[li]Data push graphics page[/li]
[li]View button in data pushes table[/li]
[li]bootgrid version update[/li]
[li]jquery version update[/li]
[li]bugfix: improper reboot error code[/li]
V 1.10.1166
[li]urgent bugfix in zwave quality table preventing display[/li]
[li]device and scene names in watch tables[/li]
[li]drawDataMine remote access button from dashboard- reneboer[/li]
[li]Grey color for cells in network quality table[/li][/list]
[li]Data columns in table properly s[/li][/ul]

V 0.77.708

[ul][li]Adding TracRev parameter to the http GET issues to trigger an ALTUI autoupdate, (for openLuup)[/li]
[li]Fixing plugin number width field issue on plugin page, on themed version of ALTUI[/li][/ul]

V 0.77.704

[ul][li]UPNP dashboard; - dklinkman[/li]
[li]device rename fix : (rename area was too long to fit on narrow screen)[/li]
[li]device altuiid displayed in d3 chart node name of parent child graph[/li]
[li]multistring dashboard update[/li][/ul]

V 0.76.696

[ul][li]support of old new as variables for the LUA expression of a watch – akbooer[/li]
[li]Visual Hint of house mode changing delay – Lmet[/li]
[li]House mode icon size & position to avoid truncation[/li]
[li]pointer cursor over clickable image for favorite, pause and device icon – Lmet[/li]
[li]quick fix for parameter less action description in JSON control panel – alurker[/li]
[li]Add urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:VContainer:1 dashboard – dklinkman[/li]
[li]Localization fix for multistring dashboard[/li][/ul]

V 0.74.689

[ul][li]Infoviewer dashboard additional button[/li]
[li]Management of device variable watch as triggers for scene. see notes below[/li][/ul]

v 0.73.683

[ul][li]iOS full screen page mode : see explanation below - suggestion from dalhoj[/li]
[li]add scene/delete scene are immediately effective on scene page, without waiting for the next user_data refresh (Lmet suggestion) [/li]
[li]scene editor LUA section appearing before action. minor chronological consistency as Lua code return value controls the execution ( or not ) of the actions (Lmet suggestion)[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]SystemMonitor, VeraAlert, TempLeakSensor dashboard - contributions dklinkman[/li]
[li]CSS load order fix[/li][/ul]

v 0.71.671

[ul][li]Sonos dashboard : contribution by dklinkman[/li]
[li]weather widget temp unit option : only for UI5 boxes. for UI7 boxes, temp unit is used[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]dklinkman contributions: GCal, Combination switch & GCal dashboards[/li][/ul]

V 0.68.655

[ul][li]vSwitch device selectable as a favorite[/li]
[li]favorites hovering visual hint[/li]
[li]cosmetics for key device variables display in control panel[/li]
[li]Bug fix for argument less event triggers.[/li][/ul]

V 0.68.649

[ul][li]VSwitch device type dashboard display[/li][/ul]

V 0.74.689

[ul][li]Infoviewer dashboard additional button[/li]
[li]Management of device variable watch as triggers for scene. see notes below[/li][/ul]

NOTE: Vera scenes only support triggers, as defined by plugin authors, to be used as scene triggers. Sometime it is useful to use any device variable, when it changes, as a trigger for a scene. This is traditionally done with lua code with the variable_watch() api but now you can do it without any lines of code with ALTUI.


[ul][li]in scene triggers, you can now see a new area for device watches. you can add/delete/edit watches from here. these watches define a device, a service, a variable and a LUA expression. when the device variable changes, and if the new value is different from the old value, and if the lua expression evaluates to true then the variable watch is triggered[/li]
[li]the lua expression is anything with a valid LUA syntax, where x is the placeholder for the watched variable value. so for instance: true, or x==2 , or x>=30 or even (x>10)and(x<20) are valid expressions. [glow=red,2,300]Be careful [/glow]with lua operators : ==, <, >, <=, >=, ~=[/li]
[li]when editing a scene, if you add or change device variable watches, a reload of LUUP will be necessary , after the scene is saved, so that the new variable_watch() calls can be made by ALTUI. on UI5 saving the scene does the luup reload but on UI7 it does not so you have to do it yourself ( MENU MISC/Reload Luup ). there is no other way to remove / change variable watches in Luup[/li]
[li]the ALTUI device does the variable_watch each luup restart[/li]
[li]if needed advanced users can also directly edit the VariablesToWatch variable. the syntax is a semi column separated list of values like “urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1,LastSceneID,208,71,x==2”. so[/ul]

service,variable,device id,scene id to run triggers matches, lua expression

[ul]where x is the value of the variable[/li]
[li]Last but not least, it is only working on main vera controller, so controller 0. no support yet in multi controller mode[/li][/ul]

For example, I have a NODON octan remote but it does not work well with VERA, but I have noticed that strangely the LastSceneID of the controller object is correctly initialized after the scene triggers are normally evaluated. so instead of doing scenes from the classical “a scene is activated” event using buggy sceneid, I can use device watch on LastSceneID and enjoy the 16 different scenes this remote is capable of…

V 0.67.646

[ul][li]api.getDeviceState fix, align to UI7 behavior, returns false if variable does not exist[/li]
[li]fix icon selection from json file ( UI5 and UI7 box have different behavior )[/li]
[li]Display some key variables on device control panel[/li][/ul]

V 0.67.642

[ul][li]favorite buttons are active ( power, dimmer, windowcover )[/li]
[li]increment +/-1 for heater dashboard[/li][/ul]

V 0.67.637

[ul][li]PLEG dashboard view[/li]
[li]Favorites tiles on home page[/li][/ul]

V 0.66.628

[ul][li]HVAC & heather display dashboard with buttons[/li][/ul]

V 0.64.622

[ul][li]IPX800 dashboard view : perfect to control relays ( pools ,etc ). Shop. when used in conjunction with the IPX800 plugin, it exposes all relays and analogs inputs as conventional VERA devices so scenes & general ALTUI features works for it too.[/li]
[li]Frames in Custom pages : Parameters label and css background such that any CSS3 background property will work ( images, gradients etc … ). Frames are lower in vertical axis (z-index) so they allways appear below other controls[/li][/ul]

V 0.64.616

[ul][li]Fix for heater display[/li]
[li]Fix for vanishing favorites[/li]
[li]Scene editor header visual hints[/li][/ul]

V 0.64.612

[ul][li]Weather widget : can be hidden by an option in Option page. auto-detection of location so not allways accurate[/li]
[li]Modify default OS commands : du-h and find Json file OS command. may require that you press the refresh button if you customized some[/li]
[li]Device type displayed in DEBUG output when using the show device’s variable button[/li]
[li]Heather UI7 dashboard with heat/cool/auto setpoints for UI7 ( was a change compared to UI5 )[/li]
[li]bug fixes[/li][/ul]

V 0.64.602 August 10th 2015

[ul][li]Bugfix for alignment tools in custom panels[/li]
[li]Bugfix for variable selection in custom panels[/li][/ul]

v 0.64.596 August 9th 2015

[ul][li]HTML encoding of os command output[/li]
[li]new menu structure[/li]
[li]Left Buttons highlight fix[/li]
[li]Trigger button renaming[/li]
[li]new MyIP() function in lua device (from @AKbooer)[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]Fix for drag and drop of custom panel buttons[/li][/ul]

V 0.63.588

[ul][li]Fix for multi page , custom panels[/li]
[li]Fix for dialog box of gauge/camera[/li][/ul]

V 0.63.577

[ul][li]Multiswitch plugin display : responsive design ( cf screen shots ), buttons adapt and text overflow is replaced by ellipsis/ Altui real estate for plugins is smaller than UI5 UI7 so it is a bit of challenge to fit 8 buttons but here it is[/li][/ul]

V 0.63.560

[ul][li]Purely a remote access loading time optimisation. Went form 2mn to about 30 secs[/li][/ul]

V 0.63.550

[ul][li]improved info in the Used In button for device[/li]
[li]new page showing Triggers/Last Execution under Scene menu[/li]
[li]fix a lang url issue, only taking the first 2 characters[/li]
[li]added getUsers api() to VeraBox/MultiBox[/li]
[li]new option to choose between a fixed left bar for room buttons or not[/li]
[li]in device attributes, show date timestamps as real dates ( editable )[/li]
[li]auto focus on variable editing field when clicked on it[/li]
[li]fix scene page density for large screen mode[/li]
[li]decimal support for UI sliders for head/thermostat[/li]
[li]user notification selection in scene editor / trigger[/li]
[li]new “trigger” button on device control panel screen to program a notification ( special scene )[/li][/ul]

V 0.63.541

[ul][li]new page showing Triggers/Last Execution under Scene menu[/li]
[li]fix a lang url issue, only taking the first 2 characters[/li]
[li]added getUsers api() to VeraBox/MultiBox[/li]
[li]new option to choose between a fixed left bar for room buttons or not[/li]
[li]in device attributes, show date timestamps as real dates ( editable )[/li]
[li]auto focus on variable editing field when clicked on it[/li]
[li]fix scene page density for large screen mode[/li]
[li]decimal support for UI sliders for head/thermostat[/li]
[li]user notification selection in scene editor / trigger[/li]
[li]new “trigger” button on device control panel screen to program a notification ( special scene )[/li][/ul]

V 0.63.527

[ul][li]Scene Editor with accordion[/li]
[li]new Trigger page ( under Scene menu ) showing last time execution of scene triggers[/li][/ul]

V 0.63.507 510

[ul][li]Better OsCommand lua implementation + fix of error message on empty returns( thx Akbooer )[/li]
[li]Scene box layout ( again :frowning: , better use of large screens )[/li]
[li]UI7 api compatibility improvement , adding some part of Utils & myInterface (thx Reneboer )[/li]
[li]v510: room aggregation. filter by room name in case same name appear in multiple controllers. device panel & scene editor restrict room selection list on ambiant controller[/li][/ul]

V 0.63.496

[ul][li]fix for registerPlugin[/li]
[li]variable and scene execution history in reverse order[/li]
[li]new scene box layout for better resizing[/li]
[li]memory of last entered os command or debug command[/li][/ul]

V 0.62.488

[ul][li]Fixed image background & transparency support. see styling instruction below[/li]
[li]Fixed positioning for left bar button ( device & scene screen ). this prevents the button from scrolling when you scroll through all the devices or scenes[/li]
[li]small cosmetics,bug fixes[/li][/ul]

V 0.62.478

[ul][li]D3 graph fixes ( to be confirmed )[/li]
[li]one or two column layout depending on the page. optimization on small screens[/li]
[li]Debug tools page[/li][/ul]

V 0.62.471

[ul][li]Debug Tools Page[/li][/ul]

V 0.62.467

[ul][li]DisplayLine1, DisplayLine2 support for devices[/li][/ul]

V 0.62.462

[ul][li]All d3 charts are now multi controller capable[/li]
[li]Old browser check & message[/li]
[li]datamine plugin dashboard button fix[/li]
[li]new UPNP action “registerPlugin”[/li]
[li]various misc bug fixes[/li][/ul]

V 0.60.425

[ul][li]MultiBox support[/li]
[li]localcdn option for d3js[/li][/ul]

V 0.58.390

[ul][li]LocalCDN variable & UI so ALTUI works without internet. for example , put ‘/localcdn’ in the variable and put the content of the folder localcdn of on your VERA in /www/localcdn using a tool like WinSCP[/li]
[li]jquery version updates[/li]
[li]LocalHome variable & UI to save a prefered home page from UI5/7 page : in preparation of alurker’s idea, the setting button will open the url defined here with lang & home page preference. I am still not sure on how to use the HTML injection trick on UI5/UI7, feedbacks welcome[/li]
[li]J_OWServer.js compatibility fix with removing Hash() and adding evalJSON() to string prototype[/li]
[li]Device not used message when a device is not used in any scene / triggers etc[/li]
[li]Camera thumbnail size adjust[/li]
[li]some bug fixes[/li][/ul]

V 0.56.364

[ul][li]Scene History dialog ( since lua log restarted )[/li]
[li]Device Variable History ( since lua log restarted )[/li][/ul]

V 0.56.354

[ul][li]OS Commands fix[/li]
[li]OS Commands edition : note os commands support a parameter {0} that you can use. when a command has a parameter, the user interface will pop up a dialogbox for the user to enter the parameter value at the time the command is being executed[/li]
[li]ANSI color in OS Commands output[/li]
[li]Heater: Hot & Cold set point display ( if variable present )[/li]
[li]urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:HVAC_ZoneThermostat:1 support[/li][/ul]

V 0.54.337

[ul][li]Fix for Camera Thumbnail[/li]
[li]checkbox option to choose video or not for thumbnails ( local access mode only )[/li]
[li]Refactor of Option page[/li][/ul]

V 0.54.330

[ul][li]new confirm dialog box, much nicer. (see screen shot)[/li]
[li]a complete auto upgrade feature. see notes below & screen shot[/li][/ul]

V 0.54.313

[ul][li]Tested UI7 remote access with new pages posted by sjolshagen with lang & home extra parameters[/li]
[li]reworked startup sequence again, now it should work with local & remote access[/li]
[li]fix bug : security device arm should use UPNP action and not set variable[/li]
[li]Version number input box to update a plugin to a specific private version using the magic url. cf screen shot. no number means official version, a number means a specific private version[/li]
[li]Improve EventBus api to fix some startup sequence issues on slow network[/li][/ul]

V 0.53.307

[ul][li]Ability to run a OS command and get the stdout output of it[/li]
[li]Button with “Favorite” commands. feel free to suggest more. many things should be possible including doing greps in log files etc … [/li][/ul]

V 0.52.299

[ul][li]introduction of EventBus object to create a event based architecture and have a better compatibility with UI7 plugin API registerEventHandler()[/li]
[li]Fix for Vosmont / api7 event[/li]
[li]revisit startup sequence based on this EventBus, especially @tomtcom and @tomvanbreda if you could please try to load with a different startup page and let me know. url to use is http://localip/port_3480/data_request?id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=home&home=pageDevices for instance. pageScenes for scenes, pageUsePages for custom pages[/li]
[li]no Null icon for weather plugin[/li][/ul]

V 0.52.293

[ul][li]url accepts home=xxx to force the startpage. xxx can be pageHome, pageRooms, pageDevices, pageScenes, pageUsePages, etc … Verify your spelling if it does not work. should only work for local access for now until I can test & publish the new files for remote access[/li]
[li]heater display ( – when no current temp variable is present ) [/li]
[li]small resize of favorite button for scene[/li]
[li]transparent background for Gages on user custom pages [/li]
[li]Fix bug for prefered column saving in device table[/li]
[li]resizable Gages on user custom pages[/li]
[li]resizable Action & UPNP buttons on user custom pages[/li][/ul]

V 0.52.283

[ul][li]color property and color picker for user page widget LABEL & VARIABLE (assumes html5 browser)[/li]
[li]Label property for user page widget LABEL & VARIABLE[/li]
[li]Full redraw of device control panel javascript tab when the user click on a tab header.[/li]
[li]optimize size of plugin page[/li][/ul]

V 0.52.275

[ul][li]New “UsedIn” button in device control panel to see where this device is used in triggers or actions[/li]
[li]Nicer control panel layout with device room selection moved in a better position and button to access directly variables and actions of the device[/li]
[li]fix UI5 startup home page issues[/li]
[li]Internal api improvements ( DialogManager, show_loading() / hide_loading() spinners for UI5 api compat )[/li]
[li]change Vera error message to warning only[/li]
[li]Move device name filter into toggable Filter area to free up some screen real estate[/li]
[li]Handler LUA call returns Mimetype ( no visible impact )[/li]
[li]bug fix ( as reported by vosmont )[/li][/ul]

V 0.52.262

[ul][li]UI7 api bug fix reported by vosmont[/li]
[li]heater display[/li]
[li]google script loading order to fix some AltuiDebug dependency / startup issues[/li]
[li]trying to fix some xml error messages in firefox by adding mime type info in the handler return values[/li][/ul]

V 0.50.253

[ul][li]device table: ability to copy a CSV extract of the table into the clipbard[/li]
[li]device table: visible columns preference stored persistently [/li]
[li]new “Favorite” feature for scene & device : ability to select a device/scene as a favorite & filter for display only these. in the future I could make use of favorite for more friendly home page for instance. see & click on the ‘star’[/li]
[li]Device Table with sortable/selectable columns[/li][/ul]

V 0.49.237

[ul][li]Update Neighbors button only visible on child of the zwave controller device[/li]
[li]User pages should behave properly when a bad device ID ( deleted device ) is still there[/li]
[li]User pages show a colored hint in the menu when a save pages is needed[/li]
[li]Separation of zwave route graph from parent child graph. some changes on zwave route graph[/li]
[li]Fix UI5 bad & missing file names in plugin screen[/li]
[li]Fix scene editor trigger display for argumentless form ( like countdown plugin) [/li]
[li]improved error message & color in scene editor[/li][/ul]

V 0.49.228

[ul][li]Trigger timerange restriction ( new feature of latest UI7, now in AltUI too ) - see the yellow button in the attached screen shot[/li]
[li]Scene All Mode behavior fix ( no mode means All modes )[/li]
[li]Scene Pause feature ( see screen shot, red means paused ), just click on the green/red power button[/li]
[li]UpdateNeighbours feature in device Actions dialog box[/li][/ul]

V 0.49.222

[ul][li]Countdown timer dashboard, fix for Countdown Icon[/li]
[li]fix for dropdown menu overriden by refresh each sec[/li]
[li]New Footer format[/li]
[li]Fix for IE11 and IE11 in immersive ( Metro ) mode[/li][/ul]

V 0.48.217

[ul][li]api UI7 compat improvement ( but will probably never be perfect )[/li]
[li]Repositioning the “Message” button on top of page to gain back some screen real estate [/li]
[li]Scene editor: display Group of Action delay in hhmmss instead of sec[/li][/ul]

V 0.48.212

[ul][li]use image instead of direct video stream for camera when direct stream url varialble is null or empty. ( not really easy to determine if the video fails or not so if direct streaming is not working with your camera you can try to nullify this variable and ALTUI will fall back on image snapshots every 1500ms ) [/li]
[li]D3JS based network quality graph of route. new graphic, see instructions below[/li][/ul]

V 0.48.205

[ul][li]Delete Device feature on control panel[/li]
[li]new reset Poll counter method[/li]
[li]ignore ‘pause’ flag (undocumented apparently) on scene[/li]
[li]https for d3js for remote access[/li]
[li]first version of route graph ( wip )[/li][/ul]

V 0.48.202

[ul][li]collapsable node in the zwave chart. drag and drop fix a node position, Click open or close a node, Shift Click frees the node[/li]
[li]d3 animation on node close[/li]
[li]message area auto close when there is no more messages[/li][/ul]

V 0.48.196

[ul][li]Force Layout diagram for parent/child ( see screen shot ). drag and drop freeze the node, double click frees it[/li]
[li]Smoke sensor icon display & device dashboard view[/li]
[li]Reset PollOK PollNoReply counter on zWave chart[/li]
[li]zWave chart : color coded lines in function of PollOk PollNoReply[/li]
[li]Fix device title overflow[/li]
[li]Some bug fix to improve device JS tabs in control panel[/li][/ul]

V 0.48.184

[ul][li]colored zwave map based on metrics PollOK/(PollOK+PollNoReply). (reset counter not implemented yet )[/li]
[li]fix lastrip date display issue ( no display if no variable )[/li]
[li]fix RGWB UI7 plugin color slider CSS for proper display[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]powerchart animation[/li]
[li]manual install plugin file display[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]Watts variable[/li]
[li]Last Trip display[/li]
[li]zWave map order changing & animation ( inspired from a d3js template )[/li]

V 0.48.167

[ul][li]Another tentative at displaying Watts & UserSuppliedWattage as part of the default device drawing[/li]
[li]Energy graph based on autorefresh every 5sec[/li][/ul]

V 0.48.163

[ul][li]Persistent active state for room filter button on scene page[/li]
[li]Open button for datamine plugin small dashboard[/li]
[li]UserSuppliedWattage value shown on powerlight dashboard[/li]
[li]cleaner localization page[/li]
[li]RGBW plugin support: I bought a Zipato RGWB so had to make this one work with the plugin available[/li]
[li]UI7 javascript api style support for device which have a javascript control panel coded in UI7 style ( like the RGBW )[/li]
[li]clickable node on zWave map[/li]
[li]couple of bug fixes[/li][/ul]

V 0.47.156

[ul][li]Intro of D3js librarie[/li]
[li]zWave network neighbours view[/li][/ul]

V 0.47.153

[ul][li]window cover fix for Duewi[/li]
[li]Samsung tv dashboard with on off button[/li]
[li]Scene room filter button[/li]
[li]Scene page layout fix on small screen, fix on date format[/li]
[li]collapse navbar button on phone screen on the left now[/li]
[li]avoid useless refresh for footer[/li]
[li]lang can be a url query parameter[/li]
[li]increase of localization coverage[/li][/ul]

V 0.47.143

[ul][li]better device page toolbar[/li]
[li]Better compat with PLEG & probably several other plugins[/li]
[li]device filter string (in device string ) persistent[/li]
[li]Vera Reboot feature[/li][/ul]

V 0.46.130

[ul][li]better compat for Wakeup plugin[/li]
[li]increased coverage for localization terms ( FR file provided, not other files yet ) [/li]
[li]better Message zone & button. Button changing color based on messages listed in the zone[/li]
[li]better styling result with dark CSS[/li]
[li]bug fixes[/li][/ul]

V 0.46.122

[ul][li]Skinnable UI, you can apply a theme. All you need is specify a URL that points to a CSS file in the ALTUI plugin variable “ThemeCSS”. Any bootstrap theme should be ok ( free ones here ) and you can add your specific settings then. almost all ALTUI elements have a CSS altui-xxx class so you can tweak it to your needs. screen shot attached[/li]
[li]Localization : work in progress but the browser language setting will trigger the load of a new file caleld J_ALTUI_loc_xx where xx is the language reported by the browser. no need to do anything for “en” english. but you can load the file J_ALTUI_loc_fr.js for french ( and any other languages). [/li][/ul]


[ul][li]new system for user messages with less screen “jumping”. cf snapshot[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]dashboard device display for Infoviewer, Weather, Light sensor, Holiday plugins[/li]
[li]Device variable dialog: Date editor and clickable URL[/li]
[li]Plugin page: plugin file content display box[/li]
[li]Plugin Customization: Add a new DeviceIconFunc to the plugin API for AltUI and have weather underground dashboard show a weather related icon[/li]
[li]couple of bug fixes[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]State Icon display fix[/li]
[li]House Mode selection in Scene Editor[/li]
[li]Plugin files list and download from Plugin page[/li]
[li]Fix height calculation in device control panel[/li]
[li]Fix Action dialog model close for iPad/iPhone (could not close properly)[/li]
[li]UI7 Json file : so ALTUI plugin use the top navigation bar in UI7[/li][/ul]

V 0.42.71

[ul][li]Fix for D_GenericIO1.json state icon [/li]
[li]Font change to better display the device javascript based tabs in control panel[/li]
[li]onerror attribute on to not have broken icons[/li]
[li]ALL and NO ROOM are now different filtering options in the left hand bar[/li][/ul]

V 0.41.65

[ul][li]the Firefox fixes[/li]
[li]Display of devices Javascript tabs in UI5 mode ! (experimental - see below )[/li]
[li]optimization of screen real estate for custom panel pages in USE mode[/li]
[li]CPLUS custom panel ( for french tv users )[/li][/ul]

V 0.64.616 August 13th 2015

V 0.65.522 - August 14th

V 0.66.628
Heather display

NOTE I do not have this kind of device, plus it radically changed between UI5 and UI7 with different behavior, different UPNP action names and variables, so I count on the community to test and give me feedbacks. it is kind of a blind shot here… thx !!

V 0.67.637

cf screen shots. only favorites scene & devices are displayed and for the content, only basic devices types are supported. I can add more support over time. The tiles are responsive design, they display properly on all screen sizes. clicking on a scene executes it, for now clicking on a device tile has no action

Today these types are supported:
case “urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:BinaryLight:1”:
case “urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:WindowCovering:1” :
case “urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:DimmableLight:1”:
case “urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:HumiditySensor:1”:
case “urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:TemperatureSensor:1”:
case “urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:MotionSensor:1”:

V 0.67.642

[ul][li]favorite buttons are active ( power, dimmer, windowcover )[/li]
[li]increment +/-1 for heater dashboard[/li][/ul]

V 0.67.646

[ul][li]api.getDeviceState fix, align to UI7 behavior, returns false if variable does not exist[/li]
[li]fix icon selection from json file ( UI5 and UI7 box have different behavior )[/li]
[li]Display some key variables on device control panel[/li][/ul]

NOTE: on device control panel, the following variables are displayed ( if they exists on that device )

				{ service:"urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1", name:"FirstConfigured" },
				{ service:"urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1", name:"LastUpdate" },
				{ service:"urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1", name:"BatteryDate" },
				{ service:"urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveDevice1", name:"LastWakeup" },
				{ service:"urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveDevice1", name:"LastRouteUpdate" },
				{ service:"urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1", name:"LastTrip" },

V 0.68.649

[ul][li]VSwitch device type (urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:VSwitch:1) dashboard display[/li][/ul]

V 0.68.655

[ul][li]vSwitch device selectable as a favorite. will display on home page and is clickable[/li]
[li]Cosmetic for hovering over favorites, visual hint[/li]
[li]Cosmetic for displaying key device variables in control panel[/li]
[li]Bug fix for argument less event triggers. UI7.10 issue which requires to allways have an argument to triggers even if event are argumentlist in the device json file. strange but works this way for now. question pending to MCV[/li][/ul]

V 0.68.660

[ul][li]IE11 fix[/li]
[li]display lux instead of % for light devices[/li]
[li]try to fix room filter async issue reported (tbc)[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]dklinkman contributions:[/li]
[li]GCal, Combination switch & GCal dashboards[/li][/ul]

v 0.71.671

[ul][li]Sonos dashboard : contribution by dklinkman[/li]
[li]weather widget temp unit option : only for UI5 boxes. for UI7 boxes, temp unit is used[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]SystemMonitor, VeraAlert, TempLeakSensor dashboard - contributions dklinkman[/li]
[li]CSS load order fix[/li][/ul]

v 0.73.683

[ul][li]iOS full screen page mode : see explanation below - suggestion from dalhoj[/li]
[li]add scene/delete scene are immediately effective on scene page, without waiting for the next user_data refresh (Lmet suggestion) [/li]
[li]scene editor LUA section appearing before action. minor chronological consistency as Lua code return value controls the execution ( or not ) of the actions (Lmet suggestion)[/li][/ul]

note about full screen mode: when opening a web page on IOS, you can hit the “share” button and choose to save it on your welcome screen. from there, an icon will now appear as if it was one of the ios APPs and this icon will directly open the ALTUI page; more over, it will appear in full page mode, meaning the safari header bar ( url, command ) will not appear and the user experience will be the same as for a native IOS apps…

V 0.68.660

[ul][li]IE11 fix[/li]
[li]display lux instead of % for light devices[/li]
[li]try to fix room filter async issue reported (tbc)[/li][/ul]

V 0.76.696

[ul][li]support of old new as variables for the LUA expression of a watch. old = place holder for old watched variable value and new = place holder for new watched variable value. Watch expression like (new==20) and (old==10) are valid. – suggestion akbooer
[li]Visual Hint of house mode changing delay – suggestion Lmet
[li]House mode icon size & position to avoid truncation
[li]pointer cursor over clickable image for favorite, pause and device icon - suggestion Lmet
[li]quick fix for parameter less action description in JSON control panel - bug alurker
[li]Add urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:VContainer:1 dashboard - contribution dklinkman
[li]Localization fix for multistring dashboard

Akbooer had a great example of using old new in a Watch LUA expression so giving this as an example here. This way you can trigger a scene based on things like the value has passed the threshold value of 42 going in a positive direction

(new > 42) and (old < 42)

V 0.77.704

[ul][li]UPNP dashboard; - dklinkman[/li]
[li]device rename fix : (rename area was too long to fit on narrow screen)[/li]
[li]device altuiid displayed in d3 chart node name of parent child graph[/li]
[li]multistring dashboard update[/li][/ul]

V 0.77.708

[ul][li]Adding TracRev parameter to the http GET issues to trigger an ALTUI autoupdate, (for openLuup)[/li]
[li]Fixing plugin number width field issue on plugin page, on themed version of ALTUI[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]Blockly integration to edit watch lua expression with a graphical blocky language[/li]
[li]Default click behavior on favorites on home is to open control panel[/li][/ul]

Blockly Blockly  |  Google Developers was shown to me by a known plugin author ( vosmont ) and I found it interesting to integrated for the device watch expression which must be a valid LUA syntax. not everybody is fluent with lua , especially the not equal (~= ) operator so it could be useful. there are many possibilities open by this editor but it will require quite some time & work to do. cf screen shots


[ul][li]Watch variable syntax slight increases to add a field for the xml description of the Blocky. it is now a semi column ( ; ) separated string of substrings like [/li][/ul]

service,variable,deviceid,scene to run id, lua expresssion, xml blocky description

[ul][li]Editing the lua expression by hand is still possible, but in that case , when you open the blockly editor, it will be empty as Blockly cannot read back a texual expression and make a block based expression of it.[/li]
[li]I have included localization files for en, fr and it as these are the 3 languages supproted by ALTUI so far, but it could be increased.[/li]
[li]this integration includes new ALTUI files in the distribution which are slightly renamed files of the Blockly distribution[/li][/ul]

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 214734 Sep 20 21:20 J_ALTUI_b_blockly_compressed.js.lzo -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16046 Sep 20 21:20 J_ALTUI_b_blocks_compressed.js.lzo -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8636 Sep 20 21:20 J_ALTUI_b_en.js.lzo -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9640 Sep 20 21:20 J_ALTUI_b_fr.js.lzo -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9389 Sep 20 21:20 J_ALTUI_b_it.js.lzo -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14171 Sep 20 21:20 J_ALTUI_b_javascript_compressed.js.lzo -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9782 Sep 20 21:20 J_ALTUI_b_lua_compressed.js.lzo