Balboa Water Group Wifi controller - has anyone added to their Vera?

Has anyone integrated their Spa / Hot Tub that uses Balboa Water Groups built-in wifi controller? ( I can use an app they supply to do things like turn on pumps and jets and set temp…but wondered if anyone has setup an integration with their Vera 3 to do this?

Our hot tub can use the same app. Would be cool if vera could interface with the bwa app.

Just got a calspa with the same wifi module. Would love to know if there is some kind of API or other way to integrate into Vera.

Starting to hack it now - Will let you know what I can scrap from the app

So it looks like mine is communicating on port 4257
If I packet capture it is sending out 31 byte packet

Looks like this
0x0000: 7E10 FFAF 1300 0362
0x0008: 0C11 0228 0100 080C
0x0010: 0100 0000 0000 0002
0x0018: 0250 0000 0060 7E

The app is reportig temp at 98F = 62Hex so I am thinking that the 62 in line one is the temp - will keep hacking it

0X0000: 7E1D FFAF 1300 0362 = The current water temp 98F = 62Hex
0x0010: 0000 = Pumps 00 = Off, 01 = Circulating, 02=Pump1 on, 09 = Circulating and Pump2 on, 0A = Pump1 and 2 on
0x0010: 0000 0003 = Lights 00 = Off, 03 = On
0x0018: 0250 the 50Hex is the setpoint in my case the temp was set to 80F

I called up Balboa and asked about an API and they said they looked into it and said the cost of integration was too expensive. I mentioned that I have created apps and it wouldn’t cost them anything if I had access to their API. The guy said it would cost too much… ugh!

Sooooo… this is definitely the way to go if they aren’t willing to work with us!

Have you made any more progress on this? Do you need any help with creating an app?

Any update on hacking the Balboa wifi device?

I am more than happy to work on an app for it, but could use some more help on the hex codes and an approach. I am all for it!

Wondering if any further progress was made on this.

Has anyone made any other progress on this? Or found another way to integrate this?

I haven’t used it yet.

HI All

I would pay for this kind of functionality and the info provided is useful. Thanks to the above you cracked it. If the device appeared to Vera as a thermostat that would be enough right.

dobry den
mam problem na wifi module balboa stale ho odpaja .router mam tp link DECO P9 MESH poradte mi prosim