Biweekly schedule

I’m trying to setup a condition for an event happening every two weeks:

When testing this with “test date” option, the condition (group) was true every Wednesday and not just every second one. So how should this be done?

I think you’re on the right track. There was an issue with Interval conditions longer than a day firing too soon, and there’s a hotfix for it. If you don’t already have that hotfix, you should apply it, because it definitely will intersect this effort.

Once you have the fix in place, you will quickly notice another thing: it’s possible that your interval condition and your weekday condition can never be true at the same time. For example, if your interval condition last fired (in error because of the above bug) on Thursday, and it now starts correctly firing every 14 days, it will only ever fire on Thursdays, but since you are in an AND group with a Wednesday weekday condition, they can never go true together–your group can never go true.

The quickest and easiest way I can think of to fix this is ensure that the interval starts on a Wednesday. I would:

  1. Remove both the weekday and date/time conditions from the group;
  2. Add a new date/time condition that is “after” and an absolute date for the next upcoming Wednesday (e.g. Aug 28 2019) and time 11am (or whatever time of day you want your interval to fire).
  3. Change your interval condition so it’s “relative to” is the new date/time condition, rather than a fixed 11am time (and not latching).

The theory behind this is based on the feature that the interval condition can be made to fire on intervals relative to the true edge of another condition, not just a fixed time. So, with the date/time condition set for 11am next Wednesday, that condition will go true on time next week and stay true forever more (which we want). The interval, now tied relative to the date/time condition, will fire its first interval when the related (date-time) condition goes true, and then as long as the related condition remains true, will continue to fire every 14 days–every Wednesday at 11am. Since the two are in an AND group, the group will thus go true every Wednesday at 11am.

Note that the interval condition fires a very short transition (i.e. a quick true pulse and then back to false). You can add a “delay reset” to the interval condition’s options to stretch the pulse out if you need it longer for some reason, if only to see/verify it.