BroadLink Mark II plugin

You are making good progress. As @a-lurker surmised, the plugin has not yet been configured to support device id 0x6026. The following changes here should work.

You can grab this file from GitHub if you want and upload it to your Vera to see if it works. If it does, report back and @a-lurker can make the official changes.

uploaded the modified lua file and re-ran.
Got further but response from broadlink failed?
tried pinging the broadlink device but failed as well

09 07/08/20 1:48:52.708 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run device 57 ptr 0x1014620 Broadlink RM4 PRO room 1 type urn:schemas-a-lurker-com:device:BroadLink_Mk2:1 cat 11:-1 id parent 0/0x10b2570 upnp: 0 plugin:0 pnp:0 mac: ip: <0x775f6320>
25 07/08/20 1:48:56.716 LuImplementation::StartLua device: 57 file:I_BroadLink_Mk2_1.xml startup:luaStartUp pLuaInterface: 0x12b5160 ip: port 0 protocol: raw <0x76c20520>
25 07/08/20 1:48:56.717 LuImplementation::StartLua running startup code for 57 I_BroadLink_Mk2_1.xml <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:56.718 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Initialising plugin: BroadLink_Mk2 <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:56.718 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Using: Lua 5.1 <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:56.718 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 0.55 → PluginVersion <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:56.739 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Using: dkjson <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:56.740 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 300 → PollInterval <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:56.744 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Broadcasting discovery message <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:56.745 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: redacted iPhone <0x76c20520>
10 07/08/20 1:48:56.783 mg_callback from IP: /port_3480/data_request id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=oscommand&oscommand=tail%20-n%201500%20%2Fvar%2Flog%2Fcmh%2FLuaUPnP.log%20%7C%20grep%20-i%20broadlink_mk2&_=1594169302343 start id: 3 <0x72bc5520>
12 07/08/20 1:48:56.783 luvd_get_info_data_request starting /data_request?id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=oscommand&oscommand=tail%20-n%201500%20%2Fvar%2Flog%2Fcmh%2FLuaUPnP.log%20%7C%20grep%20-i%20broadlink_mk2&_=1594169302343 pMem 0x16cd000/23908352 diff: 7110656 <0x72bc5520>
10 07/08/20 1:48:56.784 luvd_get_info_data_request creating file buffer /data_request?id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=oscommand&oscommand=tail%20-n%201500%20%2Fvar%2Flog%2Fcmh%2FLuaUPnP.log%20%7C%20grep%20-i%20broadlink_mk2&_=1594169302343 pMem 0x16cd000/23908352 diff: 7110656 <0x72bc5520>
10 07/08/20 1:48:56.785 luvd_get_info_data_request done /data_request?id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=oscommand&oscommand=tail%20-n%201500%20%2Fvar%2Flog%2Fcmh%2FLuaUPnP.log%20%7C%20grep%20-i%20broadlink_mk2&_=1594169302343 ret 0 size 10 pMem 0x16cd000/23908352 diff: 7110656 took 0 info (nil) <0x72bc5520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:57.748 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Header to be sent follows (ex checksum):
50 07/08/20 1:48:57.751 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Payload to be sent follows (unencrypted):
50 07/08/20 1:48:57.778 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Sending: Authorisation: txMsg length = 136 <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:58.779 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: RX of Authorisation msg response from redacted broadlink device failed: timeout <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:58.780 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: This device is probably offline - mac address: 24:df:a7:d3:2c:05 <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:58.780 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: k = ir <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:58.780 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 24:df:a7:d3:2c:05_ir <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:58.781 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 24:df:a7:d3:2c:05 <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:58.781 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: RM4 Pro - IR 1 <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:58.781 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:IrTransmitter:1 <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:58.781 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: D_BroadLink_Mk2_IrRf_1.xml <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:58.782 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: type = function, value = function: 0x10c3ce8 <0x76c20520>
50 07/08/20 1:48:58.783 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: {“24:df:a7:d3:2c:05”:{“blInternalId”:“???”,“blKey”:“097628343fe99e23765c1513accf8b02”,“blDeviceType”:24614,“blIp”:“redacted broadlink device”,“blDesc”:“RM4 Pro”}} → BroadLinkDevices <0x76c20520>
11 07/08/20 1:48:58.783 Child_Devices::AddChild id 24:df:a7:d3:2c:05_ir parent id pnp:0 embed:0 invis:0 device type urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:IrTransmitter:1 parent device: 57 devfile:D_BroadLink_Mk2_IrRf_1.xml desc:RM4 Pro - IR 1 parms: <0x76c20520>
10 07/08/20 1:48:58.789 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks StartupTask #7 = 4 All OK / BroadLink_Mk2 <0x76a20520>
10 07/08/20 1:48:58.810 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks StartupTask #7 = 4 OK / BroadLink_Mk2 <0x76a20520>
10 07/08/20 1:49:01.625 mg_callback from IP: /port_3480/data_request id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=oscommand&oscommand=tail%20-n%201500%20%2Fvar%2Flog%2Fcmh%2FLuaUPnP.log%20%7C%20grep%20-i%20broadlink_mk2&_=1594169302347 start id: 12 <0x727a6520>
12 07/08/20 1:49:01.625 luvd_get_info_data_request starting /data_request?id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=oscommand&oscommand=tail%20-n%201500%20%2Fvar%2Flog%2Fcmh%2FLuaUPnP.log%20%7C%20grep%20-i%20broadlink_mk2&_=1594169302347 pMem 0x16fe000/24109056 diff: 7311360 <0x727a6520>

If you can’t ping it, it’s probably still in Access Point mode and needs to be further configured.

Edit: missed the bit where it was clear you could ping it and or get a response from it.

I can now control the broadlink device through the broadlink phone app.
I can ping the broadlink device through ALTUI.
Still issues with saying device offline
I am conscious of posting a lot of logs so please let me know if I need to be

50 07/08/20 11:00:09.636 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: ??? <0x774d6520>
50 07/08/20 11:00:09.637 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 097628343fe99e23765c1513accf8b02 <0x774d6520>
50 07/08/20 11:00:10.639 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Header to be sent follows (ex checksum):
50 07/08/20 11:00:10.643 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Payload to be sent follows (unencrypted):
50 07/08/20 11:00:10.669 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Sending: Authorisation: txMsg length = 136 <0x774d6520>
50 07/08/20 11:00:10.682 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Broadlink device: 6026 replied with: 03e9 <0x774d6520>
50 07/08/20 11:00:10.682 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Error: errorMsg = ffff <0x774d6520>
50 07/08/20 11:00:10.683 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: This device is probably offline - mac address: 24:df:a7:d3:2c:05 <0x774d6520>
50 07/08/20 11:00:10.683 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: k = ir <0x774d6520>
50 07/08/20 11:00:10.683 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 24:df:a7:d3:2c:05_ir <0x774d6520>
50 07/08/20 11:00:10.684 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 24:df:a7:d3:2c:05 <0x774d6520>

You’ll appreciate the reverse engineering on all of the BroadLink devices is a little “unclear”. So this value of 0xffff may in fact be OK (I’ve not seen it before):

   BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Error: errorMsg = ffff

It may be worthwhile deleting this line in the code, restarting the Luup engine and see what happens:

    if (errorMsg ~= '0000') then debug('Error: errorMsg = '..errorMsg,50) return ok end

commented out the line and rerun
ping still worked

50 07/08/20 14:24:05.573 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Rx’ed a discovery response: rxMsg length = 128
50 07/08/20 14:24:05.574 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 24:df:a7:d3:2c:05 <0x76db6520>
50 07/08/20 14:24:05.574 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: redacted <0x76db6520>
50 07/08/20 14:24:05.574 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: BroadLink device type: 0x6026 <0x76db6520>
50 07/08/20 14:24:05.575 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: RM4 Pro <0x76db6520>
50 07/08/20 14:24:05.575 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: ??? <0x76db6520>
50 07/08/20 14:24:05.575 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 097628343fe99e23765c1513accf8b02 <0x76db6520>
50 07/08/20 14:24:06.579 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Header to be sent follows (ex checksum):
50 07/08/20 14:24:06.582 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Payload to be sent follows (unencrypted):
50 07/08/20 14:24:06.610 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Sending: Authorisation: txMsg length = 136 <0x76db6520>
50 07/08/20 14:24:06.624 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Broadlink device: 6026 replied with: 03e9 <0x76db6520>
50 07/08/20 14:24:06.625 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Received: Authorisation: rxMsg length = 56 <0x76db6520>
50 07/08/20 14:24:06.627 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: No payload found. Header follows:
50 07/08/20 14:24:06.627 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: This device is probably offline - mac address: 24:df:a7:d3:2c:05 <0x76db6520>

The newer broadlink devices can not be controlled while paired with the broad link cloud (i.e. configured to be used with the app). Did you reset the RM4 to clear the cloud bit so the Vera plugin is able to communicate with the device locally?

It has been a while but I followed the instructions I posted above to reset the device and then used the python cli here to configure it to join my WiFi and then @a-lurker’s plugin was able to communicate with it.

broadlink_cli --joinwifi MySSID MyWifiPassword

Hello Blacey

I put the code in for the AP pairing along time ago but it’s sitting there orphaned. I think it works. I wasn’t prepared to spend a lot of time on testing it, as the actual functionality of the plugin was more important at the time.

The AP pairing would also be a bit of a problem to make use of, as users would need to pass in their SSID and password, which raise security issues. Plus the user may have to play around with their wpa_supplicant.conf files, etc I thought it would be a lot easier and more reliable for users to just use their phone app but it looks as though that situation has changed.

Possibly it could be made a service with the SSID and password having to be entered each time it was used. A search on “sendPairingMsg” shows various comments about it:


I’m busy on other stuff, so not ready to do this myself as yet.

1 Like

So I have reset the RM4 and made sure there is no connection via the broadlink apps.
I also downloaded the broadlink_cli but am not sure if that did anything, but the logs seem to show more communication but not sure how to tell what should be happening now?

50 07/09/20 13:35:26.522 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Rx’ed a discovery response: rxMsg length = 128
50 07/09/20 13:35:26.523 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 24:df:a7:d3:2c:05 <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:26.523 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: redacted <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:26.524 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: BroadLink device type: 0x6026 <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:26.524 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: RM4 Pro <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:26.524 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: ??? <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:26.524 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 097628343fe99e23765c1513accf8b02 <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:27.528 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Header to be sent follows (ex checksum):
50 07/09/20 13:35:27.532 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Payload to be sent follows (unencrypted):
50 07/09/20 13:35:27.560 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Sending: Authorisation: txMsg length = 136 <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:27.746 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Broadlink device: 6026 replied with: 03e9 <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:27.771 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Received: Authorisation: rxMsg length = 88 decrypted msg follows:
50 07/09/20 13:35:27.772 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Rx’ed payload follows:
50 07/09/20 13:35:27.773 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: blKey: d013830c784b69327ec45d2e462804d4, blInternalId: 00000001 <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:27.773 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: k = ir <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:27.774 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 24:df:a7:d3:2c:05_ir <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:27.775 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 24:df:a7:d3:2c:05 <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:27.775 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: RM4 Pro - IR 1 <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:27.776 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:IrTransmitter:1 <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:27.776 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: D_BroadLink_Mk2_IrRf_1.xml <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:27.777 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: type = function, value = function: 0xa687a0 <0x77486520>
50 07/09/20 13:35:27.778 luup_log:57: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: {“24:df:a7:d3:2c:05”:{“blInternalId”:“00000001”,“blKey”:“d013830c784b69327ec45d2e462804d4”,“blDeviceType”:24614,“blIp”:“redacted”,“blDesc”:“RM4 Pro”}} → BroadLinkDevices <0x77486520>
11 07/09/20 13:35:27.779 Child_Devices::AddChild id 24:df:a7:d3:2c:05_ir parent id pnp:0 embed:0 invis:0 device type urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:IrTransmitter:1 parent device: 57 devfile:D_BroadLink_Mk2_IrRf_1.xml desc:RM4 Pro - IR 1 parms: <0x77486520>
10 07/09/20 13:35:27.797 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks StartupTask #7 = 4 OK / BroadLink_Mk2 <0x77286520>
10 07/09/20 13:35:27.802 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks StartupTask #7 = 4 OK / BroadLink_Mk2 <0x77286520>
10 07/09/20 13:35:27.876 mg_callback from IP: /port_3480/data_request id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=oscommand&oscommand=tail%20-n%201500%20%2Fvar%2Flog%2Fcmh%2FLuaUPnP.log%20%7C%20grep%20-i%20broadlink_mk2&_=1594290862290 start id: 23 <0x7342b520>
12 07/09/20 13:35:27.876 luvd_get_info_data_request starting /data_request?id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=oscommand&oscommand=tail%20-n%201500%20%2Fvar%2Flog%2Fcmh%2FLuaUPnP.log%20%7C%20grep%20-i%20broadlink_mk2&_=1594290862290 pMem 0x1061000/17174528 diff: 7688192 <0x7342b520>

Yeah, I saw the pairing code there but never tried it. That would be good if it worked and I thought that you had set it up so user’s would place their username and password in the plugin source code - they could do that temporarily to pair it and then re-upload the file lua plugin file to remove it.

I know the feeling of busy on other stuff - we are in the midst of a sizable home remodel project that is consuming literally all of my disposable time so I can’t auger into it right now either.

That looks better. What you should do now is to try learning and IR code on the RM4 and look at the communication in the logs. If it is working, you will see the learning sequence along with IR code in the logs.

Thanks for forging the RM4 path and sharing with others here. I’m feeling confident that you are pretty close, if not already there.

Just to check

  1. in ALTUI->Devices->control panel for Broadlink RM4 Pro device, should I have had some devices appear or is that what I am trying to get to?
  2. For trying to learn IR codes do I use the Broadlink app on my phone and then check the logs in ALTUI or use the broadlink_cli? (any examples?)

Looks a lot better. The flashing of the LED on the device generally reflects if it’s in AP mode or doing something else.

Below are examples of the three method of sending an IR code, that can be executed in the Lua test window. Note you must insert the ID of the IR child device, not the ID of the parent. You should see a LED flash when the code is run. Try the ProntoCode first:


Send a ProntoCode:

local deviceID = 164
local prontoCode = '0000 0067 0000 0010 0060 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 037E'

luup.call_action('urn:a-lurker-com:serviceId:IrTransmitter1', 'SendProntoCode', {ProntoCode = prontoCode}, deviceID)

return true

Send a BroadLink IR or RF code:

local deviceID = 162
local rfCode = 'b2 06 1c 00 0c 0e 0f 1a 1b 0f 0f 1a 0f 1a 0f 1a 0f 1a 0f 1a 0f 1a 0f 1b 1a 0f 1b 0f 1b 00 02 5d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'

luup.call_action('urn:a-lurker-com:serviceId:IrTransmitter1', 'SendCode', {Code = rfCode}, deviceID)

return true

Send a BroadLink IR or RF code extracted from the e-Control app:

local deviceID = 162

-- Note the usage of curly brackets/braces. You can also leave 
-- the curly brackets off and use quotes, instead passing the
-- info in as a string, rather than as an array.
local rfCode = {-78,  6, 28, 0, 12, 14, 15, 26, 27, 15, 15, 26, 15, 26, 15, 26, 15, 26, 15, 26, 15, 26, 15, 27, 26, 15, 27, 15, 27, 0, 2, 93, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

luup.call_action('urn:a-lurker-com:serviceId:IrTransmitter1', 'SendEControlCode', {eControlCode = rfCode}, deviceID)

return true

The ProntoCode and the Send a Broadlink IR or RF code worked with the device flashing orange when the command was sent.
The e-Control app did not seem do anything and I seem to recall reading somewhere that e-Control does not work with the RM4 Pro?

Sounds good. With the e-control app; you could get it to learn codes and then extract them for use with the plugin by finding them in the app file system. Maybe you can do the same with the app that runs RM4. It looks like you are good to go if you get some codes for your gear. So great effort so far.

Wanted to thank you guys so much for helping out on this painful journey which is not quite over but nearly there.

I could get IR learning through ALTUI devices to work although it took about 7 attempts to do.
RF which is key for me could not get to learn at all. So the orange light comes on in learning mode but just does not save anything.
Now I managed to record and save through the Broadlink app and it kinda works (it does not seem to record fully but it works). But there does not seem to be a way to get to the learnt codes.
Broadlink support have said that e-Control does not work with RM4. Is there another way to record and/or get the codes?

You can use the python-broadlink cli that you previously installed. For example:

# Learn and save to file
broadlink_cli --device @BEDROOM.device --learnfile LG-TV.power
# LEard and show at console
broadlink_cli --device @BEDROOM.device --learn 

Give that a try - it has worked great for me in the past.

Hi I have been trying to connect a rm2 pro to openLuup.
I have installed plugin
i have a child rm pro device and a temp device
the rm pro device has no variables
i have removed device from cloud and run broadlink cli.
the device is pingable from command line
Does any one have an idea where i have gone wrong

2020-07-11 15:50:22.571   openLuup.scheduler:: [25] BroadLink-Mk2 device startup
2020-07-11 15:50:22.571   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Initialising plugin: BroadLink_Mk2
2020-07-11 15:50:22.572   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Using: Lua 5.1
2020-07-11 15:50:22.572   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 0.55 --> PluginVersion
2020-07-11 15:50:22.572   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Using: dkjson
2020-07-11 15:50:22.573   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 300 --> PollInterval
2020-07-11 15:50:22.577   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Set socket name failed: permission denied
2020-07-11 15:50:22.578   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Header to be sent follows (ex checksum):

5A A5 AA 55 5A A5 AA 55  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   Z..UZ..U........
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
00 00 00 00 87 27 65 00  00 00 35 84 C7 34 EA 34   .....'e...5..4.4
00 00 00 00 76 C4 00 00   ....v...

2020-07-11 15:50:22.579   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Payload to be sent follows (unencrypted):

00 00 00 00 09 76 28 34  3F E9 9E 23 76 5C 15 13   .....v(4?..#v\..
AC CF 8B 02 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00   ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................

2020-07-11 15:50:22.612   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: Sending:  Authorisation: txMsg length = 136
2020-07-11 15:50:22.612   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: TX of Authorisation msg to failed: refused
2020-07-11 15:50:22.613   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: This device is probably offline - mac address: 34:ea:34:c7:84:35
2020-07-11 15:50:22.613   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: k = rf433
2020-07-11 15:50:22.613   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: k = rf433 has no associated code at this time
2020-07-11 15:50:22.614   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: k = ir
2020-07-11 15:50:22.614   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 34:ea:34:c7:84:35_ir
2020-07-11 15:50:22.614   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 34:ea:34:c7:84:35
2020-07-11 15:50:22.615   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: RM2 Pro Plus 2 - IR 1
2020-07-11 15:50:22.615   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:IrTransmitter:1
2020-07-11 15:50:22.616   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: D_BroadLink_Mk2_IrRf_1.xml
2020-07-11 15:50:22.616   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: type = function, value = function: 0xf250d28
2020-07-11 15:50:22.616   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: k = rf315
2020-07-11 15:50:22.617   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: k = rf315 has no associated code at this time
2020-07-11 15:50:22.617   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: k = temp
2020-07-11 15:50:22.618   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 34:ea:34:c7:84:35_temp
2020-07-11 15:50:22.618   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: 34:ea:34:c7:84:35
2020-07-11 15:50:22.618   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: RM2 Pro Plus 2 - temperature 1
2020-07-11 15:50:22.619   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:TemperatureSensor:1
2020-07-11 15:50:22.619   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: D_TemperatureSensor1.xml
2020-07-11 15:50:22.619   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: type = function, value = function: 0xf425210
2020-07-11 15:50:22.620   luup_log:25: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: {"34:ea:34:c7:84:35":{"blInternalId":"????","blKey":"097628343fe99e23765c1513accf8b02","blDeviceType":10119,"blIp":"","blDesc":"RM2 Pro Plus 2"}} --> BroadLinkDevices
2020-07-11 15:50:22.620   luup.chdev.append:: [34:ea:34:c7:84:35_ir] RM2 Pro Plus 2 - IR 1
2020-07-11 15:50:22.621   luup.chdev.append:: [34:ea:34:c7:84:35_temp] RM2 Pro Plus 2 - temperature 1
2020-07-11 15:50:22.621   luup.chdev.sync:: [25] BroadLink-Mk2, syncing children
2020-07-11 15:50:22.622   luup.set_failure:: status = false
2020-07-11 15:50:22.624   luup.variable_set:: 25.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1.CommFailure was: false now: false #hooks:0
2020-07-11 15:50:22.625   luup.variable_set:: 25.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1.CommFailureTime was: 1594482466 now: 1594482622 #hooks:0
2020-07-11 15:50:22.625   openLuup.scheduler:: [25] BroadLink-Mk2 device startup completed: status=true, msg=All OK, name=BroadLink_Mk2
2020-07-11 15:50:22.626   luup_log:3: ALTUI: UPNPregisterDataProvi

The authorisation message failed. What happens if your run the broadlink_discovery command that is included with the broadlink_cli? If broadlink_discovery discovers your devices, then the authorization is working, otherwise it isn’t and is most likely that the cloud lock bit is still enabled.

My bad, you even said you were using an rm2 but I missed that. The aforementioned doesn’t apply to the older broadlink devices.

That said, the plugin seems to be experiencing “permission denied” errors during tcp/ip sessions. Are you running openluup in docker by chance?

no, on a Debian virtual machine on Android.
Tried discovery runs but returns nothing.
The broadlink app sees my device but i have not given permission to add it to the app.