Chamberlain/Liftmaster MyQ Plugin

Hello, Anyone have their MyQ garage devices go off-line in the past 2 days? Device can’t be detected. Reboot of Vera and device doesn’t fix issue. Account login to MyQ is authorized in Mios app. Thoughts?


I just checked and mine is also undetectable. Surprised it lasted this long. Unofficial MyQ integrations don’t seem to fair well.

Probably something with the API. Hopefully it can be fixed. I do have control of the door through Homekit compatible secondary MyQ hub, but that one doesn’t work in VERA.

I am facing the same issue. Any update on this MyQ plugin issue?

I posted the issue on the plugin review page. Maybe the developer will take notice. They probably know about it though.

Just wondering if anyone has any updates with the Vera- MyQ issues?
Also just started having issues on my system as of 2 or 3 days ago and no longer able to get MyQ plugin to work. I deleted the app and re-downloaded it to go through a fresh setup and it is definitely not working. Any help would be substantially appreciated.

About 7 posts up from yours one of the community will try to help but the original developers are gone and myq likes to change their connection parameters semi frequently. None of us should rely on this plugin anymore.

Appreciate the reply. Perhaps there is a way for vera to officially work with MyQ through direct cloud integration? (just a thought for future development)

I have been successfully using the MyQ plug in on a Vera plus for 18-20 months. I have 2 year old liftmaster door openers with the purple learn button and a single 828LM MyQ gateway for (2) garage doors. The MyQ app communicates with both garage doors and reports door status fine. The Vera software communicates with one of my garage doors but says “Can’t Detect Device” with the other door.
Wondering if anyone else has seen this issue and has any suggestions?

Thanks for you time.

Just moved your post to the relevant existing topic which I believe has the answer you are seeking.

My personal view on this: Avoid cloud at all cost when there is a local alternative. There are zwave garage door controllers which could be cheaper, more reliable and does not expose you to internet connection/cloud server failures, capricious API changes, failing companies, network latencies and security breaches.


Yes sir. I believe we are all experiencing similar issues. No fix at this time, but hopefully someone can figure out how to fix this.

Users on the Homeseer forum are also reporting the HS MyQ plugin stopped working. The author of the HS MyQ plugin said Chamberlain changed the authentication api. He is working on a fix for the HS plugin. We are unfortunately not so lucky here as the author for the Vera plugin has abandon the project since 2018.

I started having instability with MyQ around 6/18 as well, mostly with false Door Open Alerts, but also one event yesterday with an “Unknown” status from the device, until I manually Opened and Closed the door. Also had the MyQ show as Offline yesterday, and an extended Vera Controller Down Alert.

I’ve encountered the False Door Open Alert problem previously, where it occasionally fails to detect door closure, but the Offline and Unknown conditions are new issues for me.

Based on the comments in this thread, it certainly looks like the MyQGateway app is not being currently supported, and is unreliable, so I removed it from my VeraEdge.

Yeah, all the same for me. I’ll go zwave by Christmas probably. My issue which I posted some time back is that I hate having unused tech that still works. Didn’t find another application for it yet. But rafael77 is right and to ditch as much cloud devices as possible.

Not working for me either after a few years of running fine.

I went to my iPhone app today to close the garage and it said I had to have a new app. Would that point to some major changes that wouldn’t be reflected in the old version of the vera app?

So I have had an issue with the Garage doors that are associated with my Vera not being detected. When I look at the MYq Setup, it has not authorized since the 19th. I tried to delete and re-add the device, but now it does not seem to even try to authorize the app or account. Any ideas?

This plugin is broken. Nothing can be done unless the plugin is updated by a developer. Chamberlain made changes on their end. This isn’t the first time. They don’t play nice with other companies.

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Nameless, I agree with several things you said except the last. “They don’t play nice with other companies”. To be more specific, “they don’t play nice with other companies who don’t work with them”. Their system still work with Alexa, it still works with Google Home, it still works with IFTTT. I believe it still works with other companies who have chosen to align themselves with the MyQ group. Vera depended on independent developers to make the connection and chose to directly align themselves with very few devices. Many of us hoped eZLO would change all that and expand the devices they supported natively. We are still waiting for that to happen. Without native support, independent developers will come and go and we, the users, will suffer the consequences.

I am not blaming eZLO for this one. I cannot find an official Alexa skill nor a Google integration that doesn’t require something like OpenHAB. Yes, they have IFTTT, but require a subscription.

I do feel we need more integrations like IFTTT, though.

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