Condition and switch at the same time, condition must finish

I have a fan in the bathroom which turn on and off with a RS reactor. At the moment in the bathroom I have the well know tripple switch to control the fan (by hand).The fan is controlled by a Fibaro double switch. But I want to replace the tripple switch by a single pulse switch. Only yo push it once and let the fan run for 20 minutes.

But… how to solve this:
You push the button, fan starts to run for 20 minutes. In the meantime some takes a shower, fan is also started via RS (based on humidity). The 20 minutes timer stops, and so the fan is turned off, But it should still be running, because humidity is still above the threshold.

I was thinking about a virtual switch, but maybe it can be done with RS only, with expression?

Surely you use the same condition that stops the fan due to the humidity dropping to be false for the Reactor on the Fibaro to also go false.

Assuming I read you right.


I would also encourage using the Switchboard plug-in, which permits you to assign a fixed time interval for turning off your virtual switch.

I see no harm in allowing the fan switch to be turned off according to time – to avoid running forever – and then turned on again (if needed) according to a Reactor routine watching the humidity level.

Thanks, didn’t think about the Switchboard plugin. But how to operate that with the psysical switch in the bathroom. Maybe some more information:

The fan in controlled/connected by the Fibaro double switch. And with Vera RS the fan is turned on and off. The double switch also has connectors to attach a physical pulse switch. Push it and the fan goes on, push it again it goes off. You also can use parameters to turn it off after x minutes. Not sure if I gonna use that, or do it via Vera.

With the idea to use switchboard, I think you mean the switch will operate a virtual switch? Which would mean I need an extra Fibaro switch. I dont see how the Fibaro should use/control the virtual switch with the timer…

I might need you to draw a simple diagram of your setup and post it here, because I’m getting lost either in the language or simply due to what sounds like a complicated/unusual arrangements of switches.

I think I was think too complicated. I made it very simple now:

Sorry, some Dutch words


Looks like a winner. Hope that works for you!