Configuring NTP (ntpd or ntpclent?)

I am attempting to configure NTP. The instructions refer to ntpd but other users had to use ntpclient instead. But I cannot find the ntpd.conf equivalent to complete the installation. Anyone know what I should do now?

I think I found the file in the config directory:

config ntpserver
option hostname ‘
option port ‘123’
config ntpserver
option hostname ‘
option port ‘123’
config ntpserver
option hostname ‘
option port ‘123’
config ntpserver
option hostname ‘
option port ‘123’
config ntpdrift
option freq ‘0’
config ntpclient
option interval 600
option count 6
#option interface wan

When I tested vera after enabling the client it works OK overall but the scenes do not have the RUN buttons so something is wrong. Any suggestions?

Obviously I am an amateur in this area. I used UNIX many years ago but I am sure I am not using the correct terminology. Any tips would be appreciated.