"Could not find mapping error"

Hey guessed and everyone involved in this project,

Thanks for making this awesome binding for openhab! I’m in the middle of migrating as well (keeping vera as the zwave controller) and noticed these errors seem to be popping up in the log from time to time:

[t.i.s.MapTransformationService] - Could not find a mapping for ‘OFF’ in the file ‘miosSwitchIn.map’.

Tracing the problem, i’m having a hard time nailing it down since the miosSwtichIn.map transformation file simply shows the following. It looks like it’s mapped to me?


I don’t think this is a high priority problem, but i do have some gremlins with timers and other details I need to work out on openHAB and I’m going down the checklist of errors and warnings from the log files.

Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated!


Did you generate the Item file, or was it made by hand?

The “*In.map” file should be for the “in:” parameter, for data coming from Vera to openHAB. In the case of a Switch, the values coming from Vera are 1 or 0, need to be mapped to the openHAB counterparts (ON and OFF)

There’s another file, of the name *Out.map" that’s used in the reverse mapping.

Here’s the internal default (from [tt]DeviceDefaults.properties[/tt]) used by the Binding for Switches:


Appreciate you getting back to me. I’m using your awesome item file generator. Thanks again for putting it together!

I was just reminded by your comment that I could have left a few phantom items behind from old tests in another item file. That’s probably it. I’ll go back and double-check and report if the problem persists. Thanks!

No worries, let me know if that doesn’t find it and I can go over your config files.

Most people shouldn’t have any in: parameters so that’ll be any easy give away if they’re present