Device that can read multiple contact closures?

Is there any device that works with Vera that can read 4 (or more) contact closures and report them inside Vera as motion or doors?

Ideally this device would connect via Ethernet or USB, but a Z-wave solution could be used if necessary.

Thanks for your help!

Z-UNO is your answer.

Or just use two 2-inputs devices. I did for my alarm.
In Europe fibaro fgs222/224 (not tested), or fibaro universale sensor and smart implant (not officially supported). It will cost more, but there’s no code to handle as opposed to zuno (if you’re not comfortable with it).

These are what I plan on using since I still cannot get my Siemens PLC to talk to my Vera+

I’ll also build a new scene controller next week using shelly i3

Since you’re open to non Zwave devices, it’s cheap and supports 3 inputs. Easy to call a Vera http endpoint to map to virtual sensors using my virtual device plugin.