email new line


How do I add a line break to an email in luup code ?

luup.call_action(“urn:richardgreen:serviceId:VeraAlert1”, “SendAlert”, {subject = “Your Subject For This Message”, Message = "Energy used yesterday "…YesterDayKWH_data , Recipients = “gmail”}, 443)

and also Subject does not override the profile defined, what i’m I dooing wrong ?

[quote=“cokeman, post:1, topic:196147”]{subject = “Your Subject For This Message”, Message = "Energy used yesterday "…YesterDayKWH_data , Recipients = “gmail”}, 443)

and also Subject does not override the profile defined, what i’m I dooing wrong ?[/quote]
lua is case sensitive - perhaps you want? {Subject = "Your Subject for ...

You might try the \n for the newline.


Subject did not change anything…

\n did the trick with new line… Thanks…

hope that Subject can be fixed somehow…