Enabled vs Armed?

What is the difference between Enabled and Armed on the reactor devices?

Before Reactor devices had the ability to execute actions themselves (pre-2.0), you would use Vera scenes to perform the actions needed in response to a Reactor device’s rules. To facilitate that, they implement the SecuritySensor1 service, which is the service that provides the functionality of motion and window/door sensors. Vera scenes can be triggered directly by these sensor types, so it was a convenient implementation choice. This is also why you see the terms tripped and untripped associated with Reactor devices, as these refer to the states a security sensor may have.

Security sensors can also be armed or disarmed. This value has no significance to Reactor, it’s there simply because of the underlying service/device type. In Vera scene triggers and house modes, armed vs disarmed may be used to determine whether a sensor trip is ignored or not. For example, a motion sensor would be disarmed when you are “Home” or “Night” (aka the “Stay” arming state in many alarm systems), so that you walking around the house doesn’t trigger an alarm, but armed in Away.

Enabled, however, determines whether the ReactorSensor evaluates conditions and autonomously runs actions in response. When disabled, conditions are not evaluated.

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