Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave Plus Radiator Thermostat - valve opening percentage

Is there any chance of getting an indication of the level of opening (0%-100%) - I need to switch the boiler according to this information

Have you already taken a look at the variables, under advanced?

yes, but I don’t see that variable there

if now variables are there, the best way is to try to log a ticket with support and ask for a complete support for this device.

If parameter 6 set to 0 (default) valve opening percentage not reported.
Elsewhere, it can be reported, as Multilewel Switch report.
An no variable to read. No matter, set parameter 6, or not.

I don’t understand - I’m able to set parameter 6 but where I read the opening level?
Using a script? you have any example please?

I cannot see a way to read valve level from Vera :frowning: