Fibaro FGS214 and FSG224

Hi there, I was wondering if there is any info about the compatibility of those 2 new switches from Fibaro.

tested yesterday the fgs224, it does not work, only one controllable device

I suspect it’s like the new Fibaro devices: no luck. You could try to pair as generic and see if at least channels are recognized. I could help, it should be MultiChCapabilities to be written by hand.

I need to put it back on EzloPlus so the team can see.
On EzloPlus there are 3 devices and on VeraPlus only 1 but it works in switching
Can you explain the MultiChCapabilities to me please? is it the CommandClasses?
At least on VeraPlus I can use the web interface while on the Android app I can simply do nothing

by restarting my Vera plus yesterday the second child device appeared, I can order but I have to check with the multimeter tester that it works correctly. I keep you informed of the progress of the tests

Sorry, I forgot to reply. MultiChCapabilities should maps CommandClasses to children. Here’s what a Fibaro FGS 223 reports:


Here’s Qubino Switch 2:


It’s vital to route commands and status from the master to the children.

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Thank you I will look at it

I did the tests last night, it works, following inclusion a master device appears and controls the Q1 output, a child device for Q1 and a child device for Q2.
I would put the MultiChCapabilities tonight

Let me know it works and I’ll add it to my scripts on GitHub to support non-supported devices.

@therealdb I feel like I lost few topics not reading this forum daily anymore. Can you pls share the link to your github scripts?


ciao @Domoworking,

I have started collecting them in vera/Devices at master · dbochicchio/vera (

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What can I do with this two files? How to implement?

Kind regards


We cannot find this device listed for sale either on amazon. Can you please provide a link where we can buy it?

(Any device requested for integration should be commercially accessible).

Thank you,
Ezlo Integration Team.