Freeing up storage

I recently had a memory issue and support provided the following LUA to run in the test window:

os.execute("rm -rf /overlay/etc/cmh/ergy*") 
os.execute("rm /etc/cmh/ergy_cache*")
os.execute("rm -r /overlay/etc/")
os.execute("rm -rf /overlay/etc/cmh-firmware/mios*") 
os.execute("rm -r /overlay/etc/cmh/alerts.json")
os.execute("rm -rf /www/dm/")
os.execute("rm -rf /overlay/dataMine/") 
os.execute("rm -r /overlay/etc/cmh-zwfw/z*")
os.execute("rm -rf /overlay/etc/cmh-firmware/*")

I had datamine2 eat up a bunch of space while using wi-fi on a Plus. Bad combination. My root cleaned up nicely:

Filesystem                Size      Used    Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs                    8.6M      5.4M      3.2M      63%        /

Hi phillid2 This code does not work; copy paste it into develop apps - test Luup code. But I get an error.

Almost definitely, the problem is with the double quote which have been converted to inverted commas, in the posted code you copied.

I’ll fix the formatting in that post and you can try again.

Thanks for fixing, Akbooer. I also copied and pasted the text into a text file but this platform would not allow it to be uploaded. So attached it as a pdf. You should be able to grab the text from it using Adobe Reader. More options.Clean up memory.pdf (14.5 KB)

Right now, my Vera Plus is showing the following free space in ‘rootfs’ and it has me really concerned:

root@MiOS_50001183:~# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs                    8.6M      8.3M    340.0K  96% /

In an act of desperation, I’m inclined to try running the Luup commands given in the OP to see what happens. Wish me luck!


After upgrading my Vera Plus to the new 7.0.31 firmware, that same ‘rootfs’ usage dropped from 73% to only 16%!

root@MiOS_50001183:~# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs                   10.6M      1.7M      8.9M  16% /
  • Libra

@Sorin there is something wrong with posting code snippets on this new forum platform.

It keeps messing up the quotation marks and when you try and run code you copied from the forum is doesn’t work until you edit all the quotes again.

Code has to be posted properly, with the right formatting marks. People seem to be having trouble getting used to that.

Inline code fragments can be surrounded with single back-ticks ` and will look like this with good "quotes"

Code blocks can be formatted by putting three backticks ``` on a line by itself both before and after the code.

-- That looks like this
luup.call_action( "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1", "SetArmed", { NewArmedValue=1 }, 123 )

Good to know but we never had these problems on the old forum site.

I know I’ve copied some code and wondered why it wasn’t working until I corrected the quotes.