"Google has temporarily removed the Concierge Agent!"

Noticed this banner on the website when trying to troubleshoot my system. Any details on what happened or an estimate on when it will be re-enabled?

I saw that…but my google is still responding to commands managed by VC??

Mine is back up now but I was getting a “technical error is preventing…” Since about 4am. Happy its back, but still curious what happened and if it is something we should be concerned about for the future.

Google made a mistake … I am working on this.
They have wanted me to make a change in some artwork … I submitted a change … they wanted some additional changes … and they unpublished the app instead of rejecting the update.
I believe when you say:
OK talk to Vera Concierge
is still down … It’s hard for me to tell … since I always have access since I am the developer.
But the
OK google turn on the Office Light
which uses the “Home Control” interface of the Google Assistant and your Google Home, should have always been working.

@RTS Yes, that appears to be what is happening.

I can also confirm that asking to talk to Vera Concierge or initiating Google Home shortcuts that “ask vera concierge” are not currently working.

But Vera devices and scenes present in the Google Home → Home Control are working OK.

Hope Google publishes the Vera Concierge agent again soon !


My Vera Concierge is down as well. Can no longer ask to speak to Vera Concierge.

Let us know what can be done if anything. :)_


I take it there are problems still.

I just setup a new GH mini device. It says it has linked the Vera Concierge Smart Home service, but no devices or scenes at all have appeared in the Home Control area.

Also you know on the Vera Concierge config webpage where is lists the names and ip addresses of your GH speakers, for the new one its called “GoogleHome6340”.

In the Home app setup I named it “Master Bedroom speaker” but Vera Concierge as yet hasn’t picked up that device name.


Now there are two GH speakers listed with the same IP address one called “GoogleHome6340” and another called “Master Bedroom Speaker”.

so when u set up a google home mini make sure the accout u register it to is the same account ur concierge is associated on gooogle’s side with

I have having same issue. I get this on top of “Vera Concierge Local Portal”

Google has temporarily removed the Concierge Agent!

I try to add Vera Concierge to Home Control via Google Home App. I am able to link account, but never shows up in Google App, just says account linked. I redone the link 2 times so far.

ALso, talking to Google home via Ok Google or via the Ok Google Ask Vera… Both no longer work.

Any ETA on solution or tricks to get this working?

I’m in the same boat.

We just have to wait I guess for Google to sort it out.

Make sure your Google App is update and your google home app is updated

Good advice but I fail to see how that helps with some trigger happy dude at Google unpublishing the Vera Concierge agent?

I checked, I have the latest of each on on phone. I think issue is that it was removed by google. Will need to wait for Google to add it back.

The “Home control” part should still be available.
The testers are google are pretty bad/useless.

I have had Vera Concierge for a while, but first tried the Home Control this week. I have rebooted phone a few times, made sure I had updated Vera Concierge and updated Google Home. It seems to work, I am able to link my account, but it never shows up in list after I do the link. No errors, just does not work.

Would it only work if I did this before they removed it?

nah i have done it many times - it still works after u add u should see ur devices well most of them i think google only allows switches dimmers thermostats


Well as someone that is just trying to get this set up for the first time, here are the difficulties:

  1. I can’t do OK Google, i want to talk to my vera concierge (for reasons obvious in the post above)

  2. I can’t add the vera concierge devices in google home (because it gets an error and pops back to my pre-existing devices list)

  3. I understand that I am allowed to try this system (VC) for 30 days, but it keeps asking me for a license, and to pay $6.95, and to give a donation, but I haven’t got it working again. Do I need to pay the $6.95 to get it to work? (it’s hard to plunk down 6 bucks when the big red sign at the top of the screen seems to say " google doesn’t let this work anymore " ), but if I could get some functionality I might do it.

Any thoughts as to what is the problem for me?

Running the local server on a raspberry pi, connectivity checks out, it sees my vera, it sees all my google homes (all 19 of them… .when you include groups and chromecasts).

What am i missing?

You do not need a license yet … there is no test for the license in the code at this time.