House modes for babysitter

I use Geofences for my wife and I to set house modes for home/away/vacation. Sometimes our babysitter comes over and our house goes to away mode when we leave, then the vacation ghost turns lights on off, while she’s here if I forget to turn it back to home mode.

I’ve setup NetMon with our babysitter’s devices so when she’s here it would go to house mode, but it will fail because she is in the house before we go, so there will be no state change seeing her enter the house after we leave or if she leaves.

How do I set it up so it continually monitors conditions and then returns the condition to what it should be when we arrive and she leaves. She also takes care of the cat when we all leave, so need the house to return to vacation when were not there. Can this be done with a variable to check current mode then return to same mode when leaving house?..any better ways to set this up?

I currently have it setup like so:

  • Group Baby sitter is Home (AND)
    -Group Devices are connected (OR) - Sustained for 2 mins (she lives across the street and don’t want wandering connections to interfere)
    *babysitters phone is connected
    *babysitters Mac is connected
    *babysitters ipad is connected
    -Group, me or my wife are away (OR)

Actions. If Babysitter is home, then change to house mode.

You can define the Expression variables:

HouseModeOrig := (no expression)

HouseMode := getstate( 103, "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HouseModes1", "HMode" )

where ‘103’ represents the Dev_ID of the HouseModes plug-in (which I use).

Then use these steps in your .isTrue group:

[Set Variable] [HouseModeOrig] = [{HouseMode}]
[Device Action] [House Mode (#103)] [SetHMode] [1]

NOTE: HouseModes refers to ‘Home’ as ‘1’, ‘Away’ as ‘2’, etc.

And in the .isFalse group:

[Device Action] [House Mode (#103)] [SetHMode] [{HouseModeOrig}]

I have a Guest Virtual Switch that I turn on when I have visitors, in case we both leave, or the guests stay with us overnight or longer. Using a Combination switch, it looks for all 3 to be off to turn on Away or Vacation mode (vacation mode if both iPhones are more then 100 miles from home).

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