HowTo: Aeon Labs MiniMote fully functional Scene Controller in UI5!

Sorry I looked in the Advanced tab whilst editing a scene, however I cannot see where you setup a Toggle ?

In the [tt]Pick a device[/tt] pull-down, pick the device; click [tt]Add[/tt]. The device is added to the list. Then, in its pull-down menu, pick the [tt]ToggleState[/tt] action.

Excellent that works! I created a new scene called Fireplace On/Off set it to toggle in advanced. I then assigned that scene to Button 2 ON (Short Press) on my minimote. Which also works.

So now presumably I can use Button 2 OFF (Long Press) for another scene !


After created new On/Off scenes using the ToggleState option, the button setup for the minimote now looks like this (See Screenshot). As a result I have freed up the four OFF buttons for use with other scenes.

nice job 8)

You know, rather than using the minimote to control single devices I have scenes like “Watch a Movie” or “Kids are in Bed” or “Comming Home” or “Morning”. These scenes then control mutliple lights, alarms and other devices. Maybe that approach would help you too.

Enjoy your vera…

It work’s fine

just one more point for the setup , I had to add 5 variables to get the all four upper buttons to work …
– variable 241 = 1
– variable 242 = 1
– variable 243 = 1
– variable 244 = 1
– variable 250 = 0
then use the “poll now” and press “learn” for three second (twice) to make it works

best regards

[quote=“cw-kid, post:30, topic:169756”]What is the advantage of adding the minimote to VeraLite over just directly adding the Z-wave modules to the minimote ?
Understand your frustration and don’t know if there’s a workaround, but to answer the above question the advantage is that when added to vera it can control (by way of a scene) devices beyond lights, such as open door lock, arm motion sensors, etc. Even with lights I may want a single press to turn one on, another off, and dim a third for example

[quote=“pgrover516, post:46, topic:169756”][quote=“cw-kid, post:30, topic:169756”]What is the advantage of adding the minimote to VeraLite over just directly adding the Z-wave modules to the minimote ?
Understand your frustration and don’t know if there’s a workaround, but to answer the above question the advantage is that when added to vera it can control (by way of a scene) devices beyond lights, such as open door lock, arm motion sensors, etc. Even with lights I may want a single press to turn one on, another off, and dim a third for example[/quote]

Thanks, I certainly see the advantage of using the minimote as a scene controller in Vera now and I will be keeping the minimote device added in to Vera and not going back to how I had the minimote setup before.

Played with the Minimote (MM) a bit over the weekend to look into options related to controlling dimmers.

By default the MM acts as a scene controller, triggering 4x2 scenes in Vera, losing the ability to change the level of a dimmer from the MM, as previously discussed. There are some workarounds.

[size=12pt]Experimental / Beta[/size]
[size=8pt]Given this uses poorly or un-documented low-level Z-Wave commands and features, and has some delays that may be device dependent, we’ll need to see how well the stuff below works for folks. It was tested with a Leviton and a GE plug-in dimmer.[/size]

[size=11pt]Method A - Make it a regular secondary controller[/size]
Put the following in the Luup sandbox ([tt]Apps[/tt] > [tt]Develop Apps[/tt] > [tt]Test Luup code (Lua)[/tt]):

luup.call_action('urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1','SendData',{Node='<nodeID>',Data='x70 4 250 1 0'},1)

Then, while holding the top left button on the MM, click the [tt]Go[/tt] button on the Dashboard.
[size=8pt](The SendData command does not get put on the Wake-Up queue; hence the clunky method to keep the MM awake by holding a button and then sending the command.)
This now controls dimmers the same way as when the MM is primary.

[size=8pt]Having the MM control the lights directly is nice, but because Vera isn’t in the loop, the status of the dimmer is not updated in Vera until the next poll. So make sure to enable polling for any devices controlled by the MM that support instant status updates (e.g. Leviton), as by default Vera does not poll these devices. Also, for faster updates, you could write a scene on a periodic timer that polls all devices controlled by the MM, and see how it performs.

This method is easy to enable and may suffice if only controlling some lighting devices. If you also want the scene capability in Vera to do more complex things (with some of the buttons), then consider Method B.[/size]

To get back to the scene mode Vera normally configures the MM in (and required for Method B):

luup.call_action('urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1','SendData',{Node='<nodeID>',Data='x70 4 250 1 1'},1)

[size=11pt]Method B - Write scenes to control dimming[/size]
Write 2 scenes per button. One for activated and one for de-activated. Besides the appropriate trigger, put the following under the scene’s [tt]Luup[/tt] tab:

[tt]A scene is activated[/tt]:

[code]local DIMMER_DEVID =
local POLL_HOLDOFF = 3

local SC1_SID = ‘urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1’
local ZN1_SID = ‘urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1’
local HD1_SID = ‘urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1’
local D1_SID = ‘urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1’

local lastSceneTime = luup.variable_get(SC1_SID,‘LastSceneTime’, MINIMOTE_DEVID) or os.time()
local lastSceneDeactivated = luup.variable_get(SC1_SID,‘sl_SceneDeactivated’, MINIMOTE_DEVID) or 0
local loadLevelStatus = luup.variable_get(D1_SID,‘LoadLevelStatus’, DIMMER_DEVID)

lastSceneTime = tonumber(lastSceneTime)
lastSceneDeactivated = tonumber(lastSceneDeactivated)
loadLevelStatus = tonumber(loadLevelStatus)

if ((os.difftime(os.time(),lastSceneTime) < DIMMING_TIMEOUT) and (lastSceneDeactivated == MINIMOTE_BUTTON)) then
luup.call_action(ZN1_SID,‘SendData’,{Node=‘’…DIMMER_NODEID…‘’,Data=‘x26 5’},1)
return true
if (loadLevelStatus > 0) then
luup.call_action(ZN1_SID,‘SendData’,{Node=‘’…DIMMER_NODEID…‘’,Data=‘x20 1 0’},1)
luup.call_action(ZN1_SID,‘SendData’,{Node=‘’…DIMMER_NODEID…‘’,Data=‘x20 1 ‘…DIMMER_ON_VALUE…’’},1)
return true
[size=8pt]Replace the following in the first 5 lines:
with the Device# from the dimmer’s [tt]Settings[/tt] tab.
with the ID from the dimmer’s [tt]Settings[/tt] tab.
with the level the dimmer should be set to (1-100, 255=previous).
with the number of the MM’s button (1-4).
with the Device# from the MM’s [tt]Settings[/tt] tab.[/size]

[tt]A scene is de-activated[/tt]:

[code]local DIMMER_DEVID =
local DIM_THRESHOLD = 50

local ZN1_SID = ‘urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1’
local D1_SID = ‘urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1’

local loadLevelTarget = luup.variable_get(D1_SID,‘LoadLevelTarget’,DIMMER_DEVID)

loadLevelTarget = tonumber(loadLevelTarget)

if (loadLevelTarget >= DIM_THRESHOLD) then
luup.call_action(ZN1_SID,‘SendData’,{Node=‘’…DIMMER_NODEID…‘’,Data=‘x26 4 x78 99’},1)
luup.call_action(ZN1_SID,‘SendData’,{Node=‘’…DIMMER_NODEID…‘’,Data=‘x26 4 x38 1’},1)

return true[/code]
[size=8pt]Replace the following in the first 2 lines:
with the Device# from the dimmer’s [tt]Settings[/tt] tab.
with the ID from the dimmer’s [tt]Settings[/tt] tab.[/size]

A short press of the button should now toggle the dimmer on or off. When turned on, it will be set at the provisioned level (DIMMER_ON_VALUE); you can use 255 to ‘go-to-previous’.

A long press of the button will start ramping up or down. The press only kicks it off, letting go of the button doesn’t stop it; to stop the ramping do a short press.

A poll is done after all state changes, so the status in Vera should update.

[size=8pt]Because the short press double as on/off and stop action, you can not go to the off state immediately after changing the level; there is a time-out, currently set at 4 seconds.

Also, the poll after on/off is done with a delay, currently set at 3 seconds, to give the dimmer time to ramp up/down to the final state; otherwise the wrong value will be polled.

So when testing this, keep the slightly altered button behavior and the time-outs/delays in mind.[/size]

[size=11pt]Method C - Program buttons to send any command[/size]
The MM allows the buttons to emit any sequence of bytes to any group of nodes, making it a very customizable device. This could be leveraged, however there appear to be only 2 events per button, so combining on/off and dimming with just 1 button may not be possibe. Given that, plus the complexity to get it set up, as well as the partial implementation of some of the command classes, making it a one-time-only/first-time-right kind of exercise, I decided to consider this method out-of-scope.

Hi guys i am having a problem with my minimote i have latest software on minimote and on my veralite if i set up scenes and run them by the web page all is ok but when i set them up on the minimote button one is short office on button one long office off , then button 2 short stairs on button 2 long stairs off when i push the office on button all works ok if i push the stairs off button it turns office on and not what is programmed under the button any ideas i’ stumped



Have you verified that the trigger for the Stairs Off scene is correct? (‘A scene is de-activated’, ‘Which scene’ = 2)

Hi oTi@
I defaulted the veralite and set it all up again and its all working ok now woohoo so now minimote is working ok with scenes
I have only had my veralite for 2 days now so i am still learning i only have 4 devices so far but i have ordered a 4 way switch with leds on when the circuits are off
so looking forward to getting it at the moment 3 of the units are all wired up on my desk while i am playing 4th is setup in office on the light switch and its a mini dimmer
I have X10 in the house as well but after playing with zwave i will be getting rid of it and going all zwave i am very impressed with it looking forward to playing with it

thanks for your response i appreciate it


well its happened again i defaulted the veralite set it all up again setup scenes programmed buttons on minimote for the scenes btn 1 short office light on btn 1 long office light off, btn 2 short office desk on btn 2 long office desk off all worked fine performed a network repair to setup the routes on network and now the buttons on minimote are all up the creek btn 1 short office light on works fine btn 1 long office desk off but it turns btn 2 on (office desk on) instead all the btns with long press no longer work correctly but if i connect using my mobile using Home Buddy scenes all work ok as they should and in web browser i run the scenes and they work as well so it looks like the minimote has screwed up somehow
any ideas guys

On the [tt]Settings[/tt] tab for the Minimote, does it actually list Minimote as the [tt]Model[/tt]?

Hello again oTi@
yes it does say _Minimote
so i am a little confused but i am getting better at programming it can default it up and have it running in no time
so i will have a play again later on tonight and see if i can figure out what i am doing wrong no one else seems to be having problems with it just me so has to be something stupid i am doing but i have to admit if not for the problem with the minimote this stuff is awsum compared to x10 i also have Dynalight in the house and i am thinking of pulling it out and putting all zwave gear in i love it

Ok oTi@ i removed the minimote and paired it up as secondary and setup the buttons the same as i had before with the scenes and now all is ok again so now i am relly confused never mind at least it is working
question does anyone know how to change the state of the button on the mini wall lighting module from switch on to momentry without having to pull the switch out from the wall and pushing the button 6 times is it in the sofware somewhere to change or is this the only way to change it

That looks like the default name from the top of the window, not the [tt]Model[/tt]; see screenshot.

Well, so was I when my Minimote was triggering the wrong scenes. This only happened once, and I noticed that the [tt]Model[/tt] field was blank, so I figured the Minimote must not have been included properly / not recognized properly. Excluding and including it, fixed it.

[...] change the state of the button on the mini wall lighting module from switch on to momentry without having to pull the switch out from the wall and pushing the button 6 times [...]
I'm not aware of another method, but I haven't looked for one either.

Hi all,

Any idea how to get battery level reports to vera? each time the device wakes up?

I think Vera may request reports on her own, fixed, 3-hour schedule. (You could write some code to get it every wake-up; don’t know how reliable it would be.)

Hi @oTi,

Okay many thnaks - email notifications when battery goes below set level should work fine then. cheers.

Are you sure? I can set up a trigger “Battery Level goes below…” from the minimote in a scene. But since the minimote does not have any battery-level variable in the advanced tab, I am now wondering if this will really work.