HundredGraphs plugin

We are slowly working towards a bit more integrated approach for the graphs/reports on Currently the integration is powered by just a lua file, so not that good.

I would love to hear suggestions what should be there

If you are not familiar with HundredGraphs, we provide free data collection, free graphs for smart homes / devices


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Hello @ipstas

Here’s my ideas:

  1. A box for device number or drop down to simply choose the device.
  2. Same thing like a drop down for available variables that you can just select.
  3. The setup page of the plugin could store the settings like time scale and other options so you don’t lose settings. a profile that is saved.
  4. A restart of your plugin if Vera kills it for some reason?
  5. Debug page for errors
  6. A link to your dashboard from the plugin
  7. Full screen URL to remove the side menu. This would be for those that have tablets or dedicated screen for all day display. think wall mounted tablet.
  8. Some color themes like dark theme to choose from.
  9. Ability to overlay bar graph on a line graph.
  10. y/x axis options
  11. line of text on dashboard page that shows data is current.
  12. single url for a graph so that they work in Imperihome’s Mosaic plugin
  13. maybe an autofetch of api write key if one is compromised for whatever reason
  14. graphs designed for items that are on/off or armed/tripped only
  15. future items of external data sources like weather, air quality, etc.

I hope these are some good items for you!

@tomtcom Thx! This is useful, we are not promising all of it (at least initially), but you can expect some very soon

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