Hyperion - Ambient Circadian Rhythm Derived Lighting

I have recently gotten my ambient lighting MiOS plugin to the point where it should be easily usable by others. The plugin creates a logical group around a bunch of compatible devices (Hue bulbs, and ZWave binary/dimmer devices) and in the evening will adjust the color temperature appropriately. It offers manual control around the group of lights for dimming, as well as a preset mode. I use it in my house on a room-by-room basis. The most Hue bulbs I have in one Hyperion controlled room is eight.

You can read about this plugin here or download the source and get started. I hope this is something that others find useful, and I would love to know what everyone thinks! Ideally I’d get some feedback before releasing it as a formal plugin to the entirety of the MiOS ecosystem.

I try this tomorrow ;D

I hope to test really, I give you my feedback soon.

My Install

Hue Controller V1
Plugin Philips Hue 2
Hue Strip, Hue Friend, Hue Bulb white and color.

Installation done :slight_smile: but device selection error

Error executing function device_selection_callback(): Cannot read property ‘name’ of undefined

In J.hyperion.js I have found this

function device_selection_callback(device_id) { var html = ''; html += '<h1>Included Devices</h1>'; html += render_device_selection(device_id, 'control'); html += '<h1>Required Devices</h1>'; html += render_device_selection(device_id, 'require'); html += '<h1>Override Devices</h1>'; html += render_device_selection(device_id, 'override'); html += '<a href="https://github.com/otakup0pe/hyperion/wiki/Configuration#device-selection">Help</a>'; set_panel_html(html); }

Must I hardcode the device_ID ?

You shouldn’t need to hardcode the deviceID - that is passed into the javascript callback by UI7.

I have pushed a new version of J_Hyperion.js to github that should fail gracefully if a room or device doesn’t have a name. Let me know how it works!

was this ever updated?

Yeah. It’s even in the app ecosystem now.

New update probably going to drop in a few weeks too.