Imperihome gets stuck downloading devices

I am trying to use and setup remotely as i am away from home. After trying a few times I finally managed to get imperihome to download all my devices, and i can also control them. But when I restart the app, it sometimes gets stuck downloading devices even though I did not do anything. It then takes me hours trying to stop the app, clear the cache and start all over again. Sure that is not supposed to be like that ? I am only on the free version testing at the moment.

Well it shouldn’t get stuck like that but do turn that part off go to
settings, my systems, select your vera, un check “AutoDetect Vera conf. changes”

Not to talk you away from Imperihome, but I find that AuthomationHD is a better “Away” app for me.
I use Imperihome for all of my needs in a home environment but use AutomationHD on my smaller phone as it seems to handle the widgets bigger and more clearer so I can see them better.

I use authomation normally but had a problem with it and as it is not being developed any more i thought I might switch. So far I am not impressed. It takes a very long time to update my device status, apart from the problem above. That might be solved, i will know when I try the settings suggestion above.

I also use both, but the graphics and layout are not appealing to me in Authomation. And its not being activity updated. I use the tile layout in imperihome not list.

Also in Imperihome I can add IP cameras without running them threw VERA for a faster and better pitcure.

Also Plugins like my Thinking Cleaner for my ROOMBA can be made to work in imperihome with customer icons, and page layouts. Authomation is lacking in that so I would be left with either a non working or scattered layout for one device.

There is just so much more customization in imperihome that the rest of the family understands it vs. and page full of generic black and white icons.

The real problem was remote access i am on the phone to tech support at the moment they are trying to sort it out. When i have access again i will give imperihome home a proper try

Not sure if this helps, but I just moved from UI5 to UI7, fresh install (3 other bridged hubs as well…fun). I use Imperihome to interface with the Vera system. All was well until a call into Tech Support. The next morning, I tried Imperihome, it just kept loading and loading, all my android devices were the same. It looks like my Main Controller had been put into SECURE MY VERA mode (under Users and Account Info/Unit Settings). Once I unchecked that option, all is well. Imperihome is working like a champ on and off network.