Installing Sonos Plugin 2.0 (development/pre-release) for Azure TTS access

Concur wholeheartedly! I just wanted to make sure @w1se did not have competing workflows “out there somewhere” which might impact his setup. You are correct that Alexa’s interruptions of streaming music, during voice prompts, is done 100% on the fly and doesn’t alter Sonos’ internal settings.

Fun fact: I arrived so late in the Sonos game that it actually took me a day or two to realize that I’d been trying to set the Sonos plug-in’s volume at “4” (my normal Alexa voice volume) and wondering why I couldn’t hear anything, lol. :slight_smile:

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My Sonos speakers don’t talk to me anymore. Have I understood it correctly; Azure is not a free service for more than a 30 days evaluation period? If so, is there any other TTS-services that´s free for us, rarely users, to use? (Another option is to create mp3 files for each scenario. The possibilty to make dynamic TTS messages goes out the window - but it´s not something I use anyway, because the lack of knowledge…)

When we started this, my Azure account was older and I had to re-enable it. It was still free. Maybe yours just needs renewal?

I had to go through this as well. I’m not sure of frequency, but between the time that I started development on the Azure integration and a couple of weeks ago, it bonked… maybe three months?

You can use cache management techniques to make sure the speech audio files are always available, even when you account lapses or the Internet is down.

Is it possible the Azure account times out if unused? If so, the caching may exasperate the account timeout.

When I log in, it says:
“The Azure free account is only available to new customers. You’ve previously signed up with this email address, but you can keep going with a Pay-As-You-Go subscription.”

I remember having the same problem. Go into the Pay as you go option and select the free tier. The free introductory budget likely expired but there should still be a free option in there.

I also had the same problem. It took me a while to find the option to go pay-as-you-go but found it in the end.

This is right. I just got my “$0.00” bill.

Be careful! Computers Don’t Argue


Read that many years ago. Still a fantastic story.

Do not fold, spindle or mutilate!
(When I read it I had no idea what spindle meant in this context. I was about 11. Same anthology as I read ‘Sorry I’m a stranger here myself’ which has triggered my 50th birthday celebration’)

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I read it when it was first published in 1965. In the mid 1960s, at least in the US, book and record clubs were a big thing, and people were always complaining about incorrect billing. I suspect Dickson wrote the story from personal experience.

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Record and book clubs were still a big things the 80s (well late 70s) when I read it :wink:


Spindle’s are typically found in some diners. Here is a fancy one:


Very fancy!


Spindling with style!

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My TTS has stopped working. I received from Microsoft Azure Cognitive “free acct expired notice” and upgraded to the free Subcription for 12 months
The subscription shows Active on the Microsoft site and had been working for a few days after I copied and pasted the new key into the plugin controller. Today No TTS either through scenes or a test TTS on my main TTS device which is showing a matched new subscribtion key to Azure api.
I do notice the subscription info shows a Subscription # and "Default Directory (
and no reference to a key and which showed on the original trial cognitive subsciption page.
What have I done wrong ???

  1. Should I delete one of the accounts on the Microsoft site?
  2. Do I need to reconfiqure the plugin steps 4-10 then hard refresh?
    3.My Sonos Plugin version is…
    2.0develop-20077.1800; JSUI 2.0develop-20077.1800

I would use the directions in the head post for setting up the subscription as a guide for tracking into what you’ve got, but that’s all the advice I can give you. I’m not an Azure expert, and have no intentions of becoming one. :slight_smile:

That’s exactly what I did… Then noticed the new subscription does not show a key or location choice. So I put back the original key and did a hard refresh.
All is well again. House is talking.
BTW …our dachshund now likes the chime feature you added. Oh and so do we!

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I got the same problem - and because it´s just a matter of time before it happens again, and the fact that it´s depending on internet and a cloud service, I downloaded every annonuncement as mp3 files at:
I have put all mp3 files on my Vera (~25kb each, which is nothing). It works like a charm, and the best part is that it works even if the internet is down. The only backside I could think of is that it’s not possible to create dynamic messages.

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