Instant log to see what is happening on the controller while including a device

One of the nice things if you are using Fibaro Home Center 2 is that when you are including a device, you see a window with what is the controller doing right now in details, a scrolling log to tell you it started, running, doing things and then finished.
I know Vera now added a shorter version of that where we see a little bit of what is happening, but if we can have the same window with all the details it will be much better to know what is currently happening and is it running or crashed, especially for these messages like (getting secure classes) …

You can ssh into the Vera and run tail -f /var/log/cmh/Luanpnp.log

Not as elegant, probably.

One thing I’ve noticed is that Vera loggin is laggy as hell. Maybe 30+ seconds behind actuality. Anyone know why?


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yes, but it is not practical, especially if you are adding many devices, and you don’t want to mix the log of the currently added device with the general log. the Fibaro controller is doing it in a small window which is listing what is happening now in details about this device, i don’t think it is difficult to implement the same thing.
and Yes, it is laggy, sometimes i add a sensor, and the counter goes to zero and keep it open because i know after 30 seconds or so it will still add the device but i don’t have a visual confirmation what is going on!

Gotcha. Yes that would be a nice touch.