
OK. In your last Logic Summary, the events show Kitchen Window coming on, among others, which causes the Group A to go false (because its fourth condition is not met, as well as others at that point but I’m picking on just that one device)… the root goes false, the root.false activity runs, stopping the previous root.true activity from controlling the light further, and done. There’s no evidence in that logic summary that it isn’t doing what you want. So I’m really confused.

Oh oh oh… wait a minute… I think I may get it… is the problem that the light is never turning off now?

So, When Group A is made FALSE by one of the three conditions, Why does it still shut the lights off at 120 seconds when they are turned on by other means.

False is false right? It should not do anything but it still turns the lights off.

OK. the event log is not showing that, but at the same time, the event log in this case is not long enough to cover the end of the last delay period, so I can’t be 100% sure. But the rest of the log, if you follow the events, it looks like exactly the progress expected.

Anybody should be able to recreate this scenario easily and get the same result.

I have a simple test here:

When the switch #1 is on, the group is true. When the switch is off, the group is false. Here are the actions:

So when the switch #1 is turned on, it turns on switch #2, then delays 60 seconds, then turns switch #2 off. So Switch #2 will stay on for 60 seconds if and only if switch #1 remains on. If switch #1 is turned off during the delay period, the “is FALSE” group runs and interrupts/kills the delay and turn off of switch #2 and it will remain on indefinitely.

I’ve been looking at switch #2 on, untouched, after turning #1 on and off quickly, for several hours (you can see the timestamp on the condition; it’s currently 4:07pm at this writing). The interrupt works, at least with this simple logic.

I think the key at this point is we need to capture a logic summary immediately after it doesn’t do the right thing. Then the last things in the event log should be the wrong thing to do, and/or other entries in the log will tell us why it thought it was right.

I’m not sure about your use of the RC is FALSE, but…

If you remove the RS is FALSE and make the AND condition TRUE then you have my original scenario. The door control will go to ‘1’ for 60 seconds and then go to’0’.

With that scenario, the AND false, if you make your door control ‘1’ by another means it should go back to ‘0’ in 60 seconds. Then you have duplicated my problem.


This is what makes it not turn off the light after 60 seconds. The presence of this activity (not empty) makes the “is TRUE” activity stop (kills it during the delay, so the switch off never happens).

Which is what I thought you wanted…?

I don’t really understand at all what you are getting at here.

If I make door control #1 true, door control #2 will be turned on by the activity, then 60 seconds delay, then turned off, as long as I leave door control #1 alone.

If I make door control #1 true, then door control #2 turns on, and I then go and turn door control #1 off/false, then door control #2 says on forever, because the group activity got killed by the “is FALSE”.

If I leave door control #1 false, and turn on door control #2, it will also stay on forever, because the conditions are not checking door control #2 or react to it.

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That looks like the same scenario except you get the result that I have been looking for. Mine still shuts off the lights at 120 seconds after the group has been made false during that time period. It also shuts the lights off at 120 seconds when the group has been false from the get go and the light was turned on by another means.

At least you have a working example showing it should work. I will start from scratch with a new reactor and a single condition as you did. If the result is the same as you got, which it must be, then I will add more AND conditions and the second motion detector.

Did a hard reboot on the Vera Plus, Reactor upgrade, Device info update, and a clean sheet sensor. Everything is working as it should be. Really appreciate the help. Glad I donated twice. Thanks.