Iphone Locator Map

Is it possible to show a map of iphone location?

You mean in the app? What would be the purpose?

Show a Map or a link,then you click on it open google map on your iphone and have directions to reach your wife or children.

iOS already has that capability. They can send you their location and you can then map it on your phone. I think the Find iPhone apps works similarly.

[quote=“Don Phillips, post:4, topic:194258”]iOS already has that capability. They can send you their location and you can then map it on your phone. I think the Find iPhone apps works similarly.[/quote] I already know about Find my phone.

The “Find Friends” app does this.

the IPhone Locator plugin does this from within the VERA UI

I do this by making a luup request to the iPhone locator plugin from a php script then having the result fed to a php header. I setup a webtile in Homewave to call the script. Works like a champ.

Code below. Replace vera IP and device number with your particulars.


$ch = curl_init();

$url = "http://<vera IP>:3480/data_request?id=variableget&DeviceNum=<devnum>&serviceId=urn:upnp-org:serviceId:IPhoneLocator1&Variable=MapUrl";

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$result = curl_exec($ch);

header("location: $result");


I put my vera ip and put my iphone devnumber and it is not working for me.
Error:error in lua for scenes and events.

The script,i guess you put it in the vera scene :Also,execute the following luup code ?

It’s not lua, it’s php.

Where do you put de PHP,
Server,Vera or App?

I run it on a separate server on my network.

Ok Thank You :slight_smile: