Looking for a Remote Contoller for Veraplus


I am looking for a remote controller that I can use with Veraplus to trigger its scenes. I already tried using 45631 and 45600 but no luck after spending days to get them to work. They don’t work directly with the WD500Z dimmers. May I know which one would be the best option which runs without any issues and actually works?


Try an Aeon Labs minimote. I am using them to do the very thing you are trying.


NoDon remotes will work as well,


The Minimote works perfectly and a lot cheaper.

Check this site for best price : https://www.zwaveproducts.com/Default.aspx?A=ProductSearch&ID=/search-results&SE=True&q=undefined&q=minimote


I am using the Remotec ZRC-90. It works well with the lastest firmware. Some who’ve migrated from an earlier Vera have had problems. I started over with a VeraPlus and the remote works flawlessly.