Luup restarts with deadlock - possibly on DLNA thread

@lolodomo - i have started to get luup restarts lately with exit code 137. I am not an expert at reading vera logs but it looks like i am getting a deadlock on the the thread running DLNA calls. I have 2 DLNA devices (plugin version 1.3 with the google TTS edit adding vera i the call header, i don’t see a more recent version in the app store) and the UPnP Event Proxy (vs 5.0) running on a Vera 3 / UI 5 (1.5.622).

i am not sure if this error has anything to do with it (nothing has changed in my hardware):

50 11/10/15 20:00:16.788 luup_log:157: DLNA: debug: service.__index: Accessing non-existing function Play <0x2beb5680>

the code executing around this time was:

[code]sayMessage = “”

function saySamSleep(sayMessage)

– say in Sam?s wing
luup.call_action(“urn:dlna-org:serviceId:DLNAMediaController1”,“Play”,{URI=‘’, Duration = 5, Volume=70}, d_dlnaSam)
luup.call_action(“urn:dlna-org:serviceId:DLNAMediaController1”, “Say”, {Text= sayMessage, Language=“en-GB”, Engine=“GOOGLE”, Volume=80}, d_dlnaSam)

– say Whole Home
luup.call_action(“urn:dlna-org:serviceId:DLNAMediaController1”, “Say”, {Text= sayMessage, Language=“en-GB”, Engine=“GOOGLE”, Volume=80}, d_dlnaWholeHome)

end – function[/code]

The getRockisOnline() function is in Startup Lua:

function getRockisOnline() luup.call_action("urn:dlna-org:serviceId:DLNAMediaController1", "SearchAndSelectDMRDevice", {Name= "Epitome", IP= ""}, d_dlnaSam) -- select ROCKI_Sam in case it is offline luup.call_action("urn:dlna-org:serviceId:DLNAMediaController1", "SearchAndSelectDMRDevice", {Name= "Epitome", IP= ""}, d_dlnaWholeHome) -- select ROCKI_Paging in case it is offline end -- function getRockisOnline()

as are the device number variable definitions:

d_dlnaWholeHome = 157 d_dlnaSam = 158

After the luup restart (i don’t have Top from before, sorry) the vera looks healthy i think:

Mem: 91892K used, 35564K free, 0K shrd, 16940K buff, 28860K cached CPU: 5% usr 6% sys 0% nic 86% idle 0% io 0% irq 0% sirq Load average: 0.17 0.25 0.25 1/99 3775 PID PPID USER STAT VSZ %MEM %CPU COMMAND 21120 2363 root S 118m 95% 3% /usr/bin/LuaUPnP

Both DLNA renders are:

Would you possibly be able to take a look at the attached log and help me figure out how to solve this?

Thanks !