Making a notification repeat until action completed

The first interval will fire as soon as the garage door opens. That’s expected. If you want a delay there, as a “sustained for” option to the Group State condition that’s paired with the Interval condition. Also the Interval condition must be relative to the Group State condition it’s partnered with in this case, no the “Garage Open” group.

Ok then it was acting like it should and it was my oversight. At one point I wondered if I needed to also set the sustained for parameter.

Yes, but to make sure that the events are properly coordinated, also make sure that (a) it’s the Group State test in the “Garage Left Open” group that gets the “sustained for” delay, and (b) the Interval is relative to the condition in (a). Important details!

Like so?

Yes, in part. This fixes (a) from my post above, but not (b). To fix (b) change the highlighted field so it refers to the (a) condition–you need to refer to the condition that has the “sustained for” so that the interval starts when the sustained-for restriction is met, not before…

Is this right? This is the only other option I see:

That’s the one.

Edit: I recognize that the list contents are not very clear. I just updated the 3.5 stable release with improved text for this.