NetworkMonitor.log growing quickly due to GetNetworkState: lib/functions/ doesn't exist


Recently I have some problems with my Vera light and the NetworkMinitor log growing quickly, resulting in the Vera error: Cannot write user data - system error (due to not enough resources).

I never noticed the NetworkMonitor.log growing before. As I know it was always steady in size. The information in the NetworkMonitor.log doesn’t give me a clue which plugin or problem there is. The only information there is: “GetNetworkState: lib/functions/ doesn’t exist. Get WAN IP from /var/state:”

Who can help me solve this issue?


I’ve just logged into mine and all that .sh file does is get the IP variables for the network interfaces

Assuming you’re on a Vera Plus I’d be tempted simply to re-create the file and see what happens.

I can send you the version on mine, or paste it here. It’s only 245 lines if you have the tech ability to upload it.

I guess the real issue is: Why isn’t it there any more…


Hi Catman,

Thanks for your quick response. I don’t have a Vera plus, but a Vera light. I don’t know if the file actually ever existed. Can you paste the code here?

Do you think the absence of the file could grow the log?


If it’s going to log an error every time, and it tries to access it frequently, I guess it might well. Not saying this will help though.

Do you have logs from before they started to grow? See if the same error is recorded?

# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
# 3: path
# 4: separator
# 5: limit
__network_ifstatus() {
	local __tmp

	[ -z "$__NETWORK_CACHE" ] && \
		export __NETWORK_CACHE="$(ubus call network.interface dump)"

	__tmp="$(jsonfilter ${4:+-F "$4"} ${5:+-l "$5"} -s "$__NETWORK_CACHE" -e "$1=@.interface${2:+[@.interface='$2']}$3")"

	[ -z "$__tmp" ] && \
		unset "$1" && \
		return 1

	eval "$__tmp"

# determine first IPv4 address of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_ipaddr() {
	__network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" "['ipv4-address'][0].address";

# determine first IPv6 address of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_ipaddr6() {
	local __addr

	if __network_ifstatus "__addr" "$2" "['ipv6-address','ipv6-prefix-assignment'][0].address"; then
		case "$__addr" in
			*:)	export "$1=${__addr}1" ;;
			*)	export "$1=${__addr}" ;;
		return 0

	unset $1
	return 1

# determine first IPv4 subnet of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_subnet() {
	__network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" "['ipv4-address'][0]['address','mask']" "/"

# determine first IPv6 subnet of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_subnet6() {
	__network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" "['ipv6-address'][0]['address','mask']" "/"

# determine first IPv6 prefix of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_prefix6() {
	__network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" "['ipv6-prefix'][0]['address','mask']" "/"

# determine all IPv4 addresses of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_ipaddrs() {
	__network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" "['ipv4-address'][*].address"

# determine all IPv6 addresses of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_ipaddrs6() {
	local __addr
	local __list=""

	if __network_ifstatus "__addr" "$2" "['ipv6-address','ipv6-prefix-assignment'][*].address"; then
		for __addr in $__addr; do
			case "$__addr" in
				*:)	__list="${__list:+$__list }${__addr}1" ;;
				*)  __list="${__list:+$__list }${__addr}"  ;;

		export "$1=$__list"
		return 0

	unset "$1"
	return 1

# determine all IPv4 subnets of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_subnets() {
	__network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" "['ipv4-address'][*]['address','mask']" "/ "

# determine all IPv6 subnets of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_subnets6() {
	local __addr
	local __list=""

	if __network_ifstatus "__addr" "$2" "['ipv6-address','ipv6-prefix-assignment'][*]['address','mask']" "/ "; then
		for __addr in $__addr; do
			case "$__addr" in
				*:/*) __list="${__list:+$__list }${__addr%/*}1/${__addr##*/}" ;;
				*)    __list="${__list:+$__list }${__addr}"                   ;;

		export "$1=$__list"
		return 0

	unset "$1"
	return 1

# determine all IPv6 prefixes of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_prefixes6() {
	__network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" "['ipv6-prefix'][*]['address','mask']" "/ "

# determine IPv4 gateway of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
# 3: consider inactive gateway if "true" (optional)
network_get_gateway() {
	__network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" ".route['' && !@.table].nexthop" "" 1 && \
		return 0

	[ "$3" = 1 -o "$3" = "true" ] && \
		__network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" ".inactive.route['' && !@.table].nexthop" "" 1

# determine IPv6 gateway of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
# 3: consider inactive gateway if "true" (optional)
network_get_gateway6() {
	__network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" ".route['::' && !@.table].nexthop" "" 1 && \
		return 0

	[ "$3" = 1 -o "$3" = "true" ] && \
		__network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" ".inactive.route['::' && !@.table].nexthop" "" 1

# determine the DNS servers of the given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
# 3: consider inactive servers if "true" (optional)
network_get_dnsserver() {
	__network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" "['dns-server'][*]" && return 0

	[ "$3" = 1 -o "$3" = "true" ] && \
		__network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" ".inactive['dns-server'][*]"

# determine the domains of the given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
# 3: consider inactive domains if "true" (optional)
network_get_dnssearch() {
	__network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" "['dns-search'][*]" && return 0

	[ "$3" = 1 -o "$3" = "true" ] && \
		__network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" ".inactive['dns-search'][*]"

# 1: destination variable
# 2: addr
# 3: inactive
	__network_ifstatus "$1" "" \
		"[@.route['$2' && !@.table]].interface" "" 1 && \
			return 0

	[ "$3" = 1 -o "$3" = "true" ] && \
		__network_ifstatus "$1" "" \
			"[@.inactive.route['$2' && !@.table]].interface" "" 1

# find the logical interface which holds the current IPv4 default route
# 1: destination variable
# 2: consider inactive default routes if "true" (optional)
network_find_wan() { __network_wan "$1" "" "$2"; }

# find the logical interface which holds the current IPv6 default route
# 1: destination variable
# 2: consider inactive dafault routes if "true" (optional)
network_find_wan6() { __network_wan "$1" "::" "$2"; }

# test whether the given logical interface is running
# 1: interface
	local __up
	__network_ifstatus "__up" "$1" ".up" && [ "$__up" = 1 ]

# determine the protocol of the given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_protocol() { __network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" ".proto"; }

# determine the layer 3 linux network device of the given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_device() { __network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" ".l3_device"; }

# determine the layer 2 linux network device of the given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_physdev() { __network_ifstatus "$1" "$2" ".device"; }

# defer netifd actions on the given linux network device
# 1: device name
	ubus call network.device set_state \
		"$(printf '{ "name": "%s", "defer": true }' "$1")" 2>/dev/null

# continue netifd actions on the given linux network device
# 1: device name
	ubus call network.device set_state \
		"$(printf '{ "name": "%s", "defer": false }' "$1")" 2>/dev/null

# flush the internal value cache to force re-reading values from ubus
network_flush_cache() { unset __NETWORK_CACHE; }