Play a folder with DLNA controller plugin (mp3)

I can play a single file (mp3) with the DLNA player by using the information found under the help section:
DMS description URL:
Last server media played: A0$128$146$935395605$935461141$978256149$
Selected protocol: AUTO

BUT, how do I play a whole folder containing mp3-files?

OR, is there any way to start a shuffled playlist/folder from a NAS?
The id? is not to have the same music everytime…

Can someone give infomrmation of how I convert a link to a m3u (mp3 playlist)?
If I open a mp3-file I can see the “link” in some kind of format under Help “Last server media played”.
However, I am not able to see the url to the m3u-file anywhere (in the correct format) that the dlna plugin needs?