Plugin: DeusExMachinaII (Deus Ex Machina for UI7 and beyond)

Thank you sir… standing by until caffeine fix kicks in :wink:

OK. All set. I think the easiest thing to do is have you just pull the entire stable branch release and push it up:

  1. Go to this URL: GitHub - toggledbits/DeusExMachina at stable
  2. Click the green “Clone or download” button and choose “Download ZIP”
  3. Once the file has downloaded, unzip it.
  4. Open the uploader at Apps > Develop apps > Luup files
  5. Multi-select all of the files in the unzipped folder (except the .md files) and drag them into the “Upload” control in the uploader to upload all the files as a group.
  6. When all of the uploads are done and Luup starts reloading, hard refresh your browser (how?).

Start/end time UI issue should be fixed, and light op should perform as expected again. Some past efforts to find the “best” way to control a device ended up creating more problems than they solved. This version relaxes these conditions and also introduces a default handler (rather than issuing a “don’t know what to do” message).

This version incorporates all current hotfixes made since 2.9 was released. It will become the next official release in the next week or two.

Thanks! Looks like it worked.

So I’m away from home and have my mode set to away. DeusExMachinaII is set to run while in away mode. I checked a few nights ago and saw that no lights were activated during the evening. Looked the next night and the same thing, no lights. I noticed that the status of the app is “On” but it is “Idle”. So I turned it off and turned it back on and now the app is “On” and it is “on” (underneath the off/on switch). I have version 2.9 and my VeraPlus is up to date.
Any suggestions on how to get it running again?
thx - great program BTW, thanks for creating it.

Has your time constraint been met? Idle usually indicates that the time is not between the set start and end times for cycling.

I see now that it is “cycling”.
I assume that it is using the local time, not the time where I am (I’m in a different time zone from home)
I’ve left the start time blank so it should have started at sunset. Today, when I checked it, it was well past sunset at home, yet it was in “Idle”.
As a stop gap, just to ensure that it runs, maybe I’ll set the start time to 19:00 and see what happens. I don’t feel comfortable messing with it remotely.

Local time of your Vera, correct. Also keep in mind that the time at which it begins cycling, even sunset, is subject to the random delay, so it will not cycle the first light until some time between the start time (sunset or user-specified) and, by default, up to 30 minutes after that time.

Ah! That start delay is probably what caused my confusion. It seems to be working properly with a “hard” start time. Thanks again.

Well, the plug in is still not working. Still sitting in idle during the time frame I’ve set (18:00 - 23:59). No devices are being manipulated during the time frame.
It works when I turn if off and turn it back on via the app.
I read an older (2017) thread that suggested to create a scene that manually turns Deus on and off. I’ll try that.


Hi Patrick, I’m having the same problem, If I turn DeusExMachina2 off and back on again it starts up fine and runs till it’s supposed to - then the next day it stops again.

My Config is dead simple:

and I have a bunch of lights selected and that’s it.

PS, steps I’ve taken so far are:
1/ remove DEMII, re-install and reconfigure
2/ update manually from the stable branch you listed above.

EDIT: I setup a reactor sensor to turn it on and off.

OK. I’m getting back from traveling today, but we’re going to dive in to some serious debug on this tomorrow. Buckle your chin straps.

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Thanks Patrick, much appreciated.

OK. Please grab and install the stable branch release: GitHub - toggledbits/DeusExMachina at stable

  1. Click the green “Clone or download” button and choose “Download ZIP”, then save the file somewhere.
  2. Unzip the downloaded file.
  3. Open the uploader at Apps > Develop apps > Luup Files
  4. Select all of the files unzipped (except .md files) and drag them as a group to the upload button/tool. Wait until the upload finishes and Luup reloads.
  5. Hard-refresh your browser.

If you have any external enables/disable mechanisms, please turn them off so we get a clean view of the plugin does on its own. Obviously if you’re using manual activation (via the buttons or the Activate and Deactivate actions, you’ll need to keep that in place. Confirm that your configuration is in the right mode.

This version creates a log file DeusActivity.log and rotates through one copy called DeusActivity.log.lzo. If you discover a problem, please capture both files and PM me–I will reply with an email address where you can send those logs. If you catch it in the act, please also use the “Config/Status Report” link on the configuration tab and save that to a plain text file, and include that attached to the email with your activity logs. Together these should give me a very complete picture of plugin state.

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Done, I’ll get the logs tonight after sunset (it’s 6:38am here).

uploaded the new files and everything seems to be working great so far. One thing I noticed now is when I deactivate, ALL lights controlled by the plugin turn off. Regardless if they were turned on by the plugin. Was wondering if it was possible to have the plugin turn off only the lights it turned on.

I have to confess I’m having a little trouble wrapping my head around the philosophy of this one. Since DEMII can at any time turn on (and off) any light randomly from its list of controlled lights. I can’t see why it should matter that it turns off all of the controlled lights–any or all of them could have been controlled (changed) by DEMII anyway at any point, and even several times over during the active period. I suspect there’s something more behind this request… can you explain why what it currently does is a problem for you?

So last night it worked perfectly, usually it’s day 2 that it fails so I’ll see what happens tonight.

Why don’t you just have an end scene that turns on the lights you’d like to remain on?

Just changed my reactor settings to turn the plugin off before I get the chance to turn on any lights! I guess my request didn’t make much sense :joy:

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