Pulse function question

Trying to understand the pulse function.

I was thinking this is similar to the repeat function in PLEG, is that true?

What I’m finding is that when running pulse on a condition I am trying to remain true, it seems that when it pulses the “when false” scene runs even though all the conditions are still true. is that an expected behavior? is that because the pulse forces it to go false for a second before it retrips?

Pulse is an output control. When the conditions are met, a pulse to true is generated of the specified length, and then the output goes false. This behavior is referred to as a “one shot” in electrical engineering.

The pulse output is extended with a repeat capability–as long as the conditions underlying remain, the output will toggled between true and false with the cadence configured (on time, off time).

Documentation here: Condition Options - Reactor

Got it. Ty