Reactor Error and Cannot Create a Sensor

Just loaded Reactor for the first time today. Cannot create a sensor and when I go to the backup and restore page I get the following error:

“ERROR! The Reactor plugin core version and UI version do not agree. This may cause errors or corrupt your ReactorSensor configuration. Please hard-reload your browser and try again (how?). If you have installed hotfix patches, you may not have successfully installed all required files. Expected 20190 got 0.”

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Reactor and still the same error.

Current Version 1.7.4970

And Reactor Version 3.7

Any help is appreciated as I would love to use this since the delay feature in the scens seems to have stopped working for me.

This question was asked and answered recently, so I’ll just link that: New Reactor Sensor Install Fails - #2 by rigpapa - Reactor - Ezlo Community

To hard refresh: How to do Hard Refresh in Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Mac’s Browser?

I read through that one and tried the suggestions and it did not work.

When I click to create a sensor one is never created. I have hard refreshed the browser multiple times and rebooted the controller.

How would I check to see if Reactor installed correctly?

If Reactor is installed correctly you will have a Reactor master device with a blue icon. The message on the device should indicate the number of child sensors it controls. These procedures work. If you continue to have problems, I suggest using another browser.

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