Reactor not sensing state change


I noticed all my Sonos TTS stopped working recently. Reactor is not sensing the triggers I had setup to test TTS, and to run TTS afterwards.

Not sure why, it was working fine until about a week ago. The test reactor was simple…if light turned on, speak.

I emailed the debug log.

Here is the Logic summary:

*************************************************** REACTOR LOGIC SUMMARY REPORT ***************************************************
   Version: 3.5 config 20017 cdata 20045 ui 20045 pluginDevice 8 LuaXP not loaded
    System: Vera version 1.7.4954 (7.31) on Sercomm NA301 ID 35 (Vera Edge); loadtime 1582348814; systemReady 1582348837; Lua 5.1; JSON dkjson 1.2; UnsafeLua=nil
Local time: 2020-02-22T00:25:14-0500; DST=0; Oakville, Ontario Canada; formats %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
House mode: plugin 1; system 1; tracking on
  Sun data: { "source": "int", "civdawn": 1582371508, "nautdawn": 1582369514, "sunset": 1582412245, "nautdusk": 1582415981, "stamp": 2020053, "latitude": 43.4501, "astrodusk": 1582417966, "longitude": -79.6829, "civdusk": 1582413987, "astrodawn": 1582367530, "sunrise": 1582373250 }
  Geofence: not running
Test Sonos TTS (#45)
    Version 19082.21 02/22/20 00:15:39
    Message/status: Not tripped
    Condition group "Reactor Sensor 10" (AND)  false as of 00:17:52 <root>
      &-F-service Front Room (19) urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1/Status = 1 [0 at 00:17:52; F/F as of 00:17:52/00:17:52] <cond0>
    Activity root.true
        Device Sonos (44) action urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:Sonos1/Say( Text="Light has been turned on you skallywag", Language="en-CA", Volume="45", SameVolumeForAll="1", GroupZones="ALL" )
        2020-02-22 00:20:32: Reactor startup (Luup reload)
        2020-02-22 00:20:34: Starting (Luup Startup/Reload)
        ZWave (1) urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:ZWaveNetwork:1 (19/0); parent 0; plugin -; mfg  model ; dev D_ZWaveNetwork.xml impl 
        Front Room (19) urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:BinaryLight:1 (3/2); parent 1; plugin -; mfg GE/Jasco model ZW4003; dev D_BinaryLight1.xml impl 
        Sonos (44) urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:Sonos:1 (15/-1); parent 0; plugin -; mfg  model ; dev D_Sonos1.xml impl I_Sonos1.xml
        Device #19 Front Room service urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1 variable Status
        Device #45 Test Sonos TTS service urn:toggledbits-com:serviceId:ReactorSensor variable cdata
        Device #45 Test Sonos TTS service urn:toggledbits-com:serviceId:ReactorSensor variable TestTime
        Device #45 Test Sonos TTS service urn:toggledbits-com:serviceId:ReactorSensor variable TestHouseMode
    Special Configuration
        UseReactorScenes = 1
        Retrigger = 0
        FailOnTrouble = 0
        ContinuousTimer = 0

This explains why TTS stopped.

Not sure why Reactor wasn’t catching state change, but its working again. I did a luup reload and upgraded firmware. That seemed to fix the problem.