Reactor Sensor started flapping for no apparent reason

Support have changed my zwave firmware to v4.5 (not sure what version it was before) due to a different issue I was having, I’ll report back if anything changes on the door issue.

As for the reactor sensor reset, I have no idea what is causing it. I’m on the latest hot fix firmware and I have no scheduled reload of anything, other than a weekly reboot of my Plus.

Firmware 7.30 and 7.31 include an update to zwave v6.0 (from v4.5). Did you do this upgrade and could support change it back to 4.5??

Support changed my FW to 4.5 due to another issue.

Ok, this is a bit embarrassing, I’ve solved the problem … we’ve been having a lot of short duration power outages and it appears that they had corrupted my Z-wave Garage Door controllers sensor calibration.

After re-calibrating my door controller it’s been behaving for the past 2 days. :man_facepalming:


Just to close this out, I also changed the reactor logic - this is not as elegant as my earlier logic, but I think it’s likely to be better in the long run.

Also worth noting that the Reactor resets have vanished too.

*************************************************** REACTOR LOGIC SUMMARY REPORT ***************************************************
   Version: 3.5 config 20017 cdata 20045 ui 20045 pluginDevice 120 LuaXP not loaded
    System: Vera version 1.7.4970 (7.31) on Sercomm G450 ID 36 (Vera Plus); loadtime 1585001865; systemReady 1585001890; Lua 5.1; JSON dkjson 1.2; UnsafeLua=nil
Local time: 2020-03-24T11:43:32+1100; DST=1; Kilsyth, Victoria Australia; formats %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
House mode: plugin 1; system 1; tracking on
  Sun data: { "source": "int", "civdawn": 1584993537, "nautdawn": 1584991706, "sunset": 1585038282, "nautdusk": 1585041683, "stamp": 2020084, "latitude": -37.804519, "astrodusk": 1585043535, "longitude": 145.331965, "civdusk": 1585039853, "astrodawn": 1584989854, "sunrise": 1584995108 }
  Geofence: not running
Garage Sensor (#121) tripped
    Version 19082.24 03/23/20 15:57:54
    Message/status: Tripped
    Condition group "Garage Status" (OR)  TRUE as of 11:43:21 <root>
      |-T-group "Garage Closed" (AND)  TRUE as of 11:43:21 <grpmr03tl6>
      |     &-T-service Garage Door (66) urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1/Status = 0 for ge 8s [1 => 0 at 11:43:13; T/T as of 11:43:13/11:43:21] <cond165c802679a>
      |-F-group "Garage Open" (AND)  false as of 11:43:13 <grppifh06i>
      |     &-F-service Garage Door (66) urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1/Status = 1 for ge 8s [1 => 0 at 11:43:13; F/F as of 11:43:13/11:43:13] <condpifhfj7>
    Activity grpmr03tl6.true
        Run Lua:
             1: luup.call_action("urn:dlna-org:serviceId:DLNAMediaController1", "Say", {Text="Garage Door is now Closed", Volume=50, GroupZones="Kitchen", Repeat = 1}, 388)
        Notify method nil nid 1: sid 102 users 2274221 message "Garage Door is now Closed"
    Activity grppifh06i.true
        Run Lua:
             1: luup.call_action("urn:dlna-org:serviceId:DLNAMediaController1", "Say", {Text="Garage Door is now Open", Volume=50, GroupZones="Kitchen", Repeat = 1}, 388)
        Notify method nil nid 2: sid 103 users 2274221 message "Garage Door is now Open"
        2020-03-24 09:18:05: Reactor startup (Luup reload)
        2020-03-24 09:18:06: Starting (Luup Startup/Reload)
        2020-03-24 09:18:07: Condition cond165c802679a successfully sustained for at least 8 seconds (actual 62691)
        2020-03-24 11:42:37: Device Garage Door (#66) urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1/Status changed from "0" to "1"
        2020-03-24 11:42:37: Condition cond165c802679a test state changed from true to false
        2020-03-24 11:42:37: Condition cond165c802679a evaluation state changed from true to false
        2020-03-24 11:42:37: Group Garage Closed test state changed from true to false
        2020-03-24 11:42:37: Group Garage Closed evaluation state changed from true to false
        2020-03-24 11:42:37: Condition condpifhfj7 test state changed from false to true
        2020-03-24 11:42:37: Condition condpifhfj7 holding evaluation state for check that duration >= 8 (8 to go)
        2020-03-24 11:42:37: Group Garage Status test state changed from true to false
        2020-03-24 11:42:37: Group Garage Status evaluation state changed from true to false
        2020-03-24 11:42:37: Changing RS tripped state to false
        2020-03-24 11:42:45: Condition condpifhfj7 successfully sustained for at least 8 seconds (actual 8)
        2020-03-24 11:42:45: Condition condpifhfj7 evaluation state changed from false to true
        2020-03-24 11:42:45: Group Garage Open test state changed from false to true
        2020-03-24 11:42:45: Group Garage Open evaluation state changed from false to true
        2020-03-24 11:42:45: Group Garage Status test state changed from false to true
        2020-03-24 11:42:45: Group Garage Status evaluation state changed from false to true
        2020-03-24 11:42:45: Launching Garage Open.true activity
        2020-03-24 11:42:45: Launching scene/activity grppifh06i.true
        2020-03-24 11:42:45: Starting "grppifh06i.true" group 1
        2020-03-24 11:42:48: Activity "grppifh06i.true" finished
        2020-03-24 11:42:48: Changing RS tripped state to true
        2020-03-24 11:43:13: Device Garage Door (#66) urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1/Status changed from "1" to "0"
        2020-03-24 11:43:13: Condition cond165c802679a test state changed from false to true
        2020-03-24 11:43:13: Condition cond165c802679a holding evaluation state for check that duration >= 8 (8 to go)
        2020-03-24 11:43:13: Condition condpifhfj7 test state changed from true to false
        2020-03-24 11:43:13: Condition condpifhfj7 evaluation state changed from true to false
        2020-03-24 11:43:13: Group Garage Open test state changed from true to false
        2020-03-24 11:43:13: Group Garage Open evaluation state changed from true to false
        2020-03-24 11:43:13: Group Garage Status test state changed from true to false
        2020-03-24 11:43:13: Group Garage Status evaluation state changed from true to false
        2020-03-24 11:43:13: Changing RS tripped state to false
        2020-03-24 11:43:21: Condition cond165c802679a successfully sustained for at least 8 seconds (actual 8)
        2020-03-24 11:43:21: Condition cond165c802679a evaluation state changed from false to true
        2020-03-24 11:43:21: Group Garage Closed test state changed from false to true
        2020-03-24 11:43:21: Group Garage Closed evaluation state changed from false to true
        2020-03-24 11:43:21: Group Garage Status test state changed from false to true
        2020-03-24 11:43:21: Group Garage Status evaluation state changed from false to true
        2020-03-24 11:43:21: Launching Garage Closed.true activity
        2020-03-24 11:43:21: Launching scene/activity grpmr03tl6.true
        2020-03-24 11:43:21: Starting "grpmr03tl6.true" group 1
        2020-03-24 11:43:23: Activity "grpmr03tl6.true" finished
        2020-03-24 11:43:23: Changing RS tripped state to true
        ZWave (1) urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:ZWaveNetwork:1 (19/0); parent 0; plugin -; mfg  model ; dev D_ZWaveNetwork.xml impl 
        Garage Door (66) urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:BinaryLight:1 (32/5); parent 1; plugin -; mfg Aeotec model ZW062; dev D_BinaryLight1.xml impl 
        Device #121 Garage Sensor service urn:toggledbits-com:serviceId:ReactorSensor variable TestTime
        Device #121 Garage Sensor service urn:toggledbits-com:serviceId:ReactorSensor variable TestHouseMode
        Device #121 Garage Sensor service urn:toggledbits-com:serviceId:ReactorSensor variable cdata
        Device #66 Garage Door service urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1 variable Status
    Special Configuration
        UseReactorScenes = 1
        Retrigger = 0
        FailOnTrouble = 0
        ContinuousTimer = 0
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