Sonos UPNP Issue?

Recently I keep having to reboot my Vera Edge once a day when I loose
Sonos TTS. My last Hotfix install was 20286.0925. Seems like the UPNP is causing a shortness of Vera Memory. I log in to either Reload Engine from Settings - Zwave - Advanced page or Reboot via Net Wifi page but Vera keeps saying I need to be logged in to access that page…but I am logged in ???
I end up hard resetting Vera… Then I’m good for about 10 hours before it needs to be rebooted.

I looked at your logs. The UPnP messages fall into two categories:

  1. The plugin querying for volume and tone parameters on a zone device that doesn’t have them – a Sonos Connect – this is harmless.
  2. The system UPnP discovery messages. I recommend everyone (Sonos user or not) turn off Vera’s badly broken UPnP scanning. Run this Lua to turn it off (copy-paste it to Apps > Develop apps > Test Luup Code):
luup.attr_set( "EnableUPnP", 0, 0 )
luup.attr_set( "UpnpScanning", 0, 0 )

There are other messages logged that your Vera is having trouble with communication with something. This may be another plugin or Vera itself, but it’s not the Sonos plugin.

You’re also not on the latest hotfix code, and I’d ask that everyone who has a problem with the Sonos plugin install the latest hotfix and try it before reporting issues. There’s a pinned post here with the latest, which is updated from time to time.

You’re system is not running any hotfix version of this plugin:

luup_log:639: Sonos: Starting version "2.0-20136" device #639 ("Sonos System") <0x76ae1520>

That’s the original App Marketplace version. If you’ve installed the hotfix code, you probably have a mix of compressed and uncompressed files on your Vera that are interfering with each other and you need to do some housekeeping. Uninstalling the plugin will not remove any plugin files, so you have to do something much more dangerous… run this Lua (use copy-paste, do not attempt to retype):

os.execute( "rm /etc/cmh-ludl/*_Sonos*" )

This will remove both compressed and uncompressed Sonos plugin files. On reload, your Vera will see there are missing plugin files, and re-download the app market version of those files. Wait a few minutes and let it do its work. When it’s done, reinstall the latest hotfix version. Remember to hard-refresh your browser. When you have the hotfix installed correctly, the master device “Settings” page footer will show a version number matching that stated in the Hotfix post.

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Hi Patrick


  1. I’m giving that Connect to a friend once my wife feels safe enough for us to visit them so I can install it in their Sonos system. I appreciate that there is no worries about the vol/tone parameters query but is there a code to remove the device clean from Vera?

“The plugin querying for volume and tone parameters on a zone device that doesn’t have them – a Sonos Connect – this is harmless.”

  1. DONE …………:blush:

“I recommend everyone (Sonos user or not) turn off Vera’s badly broken UPnP scanning. Run this Lua to turn it off (copy-paste it to Apps > Develop apps > Test Luup Code):

luup.attr_set( "EnableUPnP", 0, 0 )
luup.attr_set( "UpnpScanning", 0, 0 )
  1. Yesterday I noticed the Hotfix # was not showing on the bottom of the Settings page of my Parent device #639 as usual. I installed 20286.0925 on Nov 2 and it was showing installed on that page…??? Installed Version: -20286.0925 and this is showing on the bottom of the Settings page for Device#639
Please confirm this is the latest and greatest Hotfix from Vera's 

Obi-Wan Kenobi


Sonos Plugin version 2.0-hotfix20314.1625; JSUI 2.0-hotfix20314.1625; [Show LuaUPnP Log](

**“You’re system is not running any hotfix version of this plugin:”``**

luup_log:639: Sonos: Starting version “2.0-20136” device #639 (“Sonos System”) <0x76ae1520>


4. I will give Vera support a call an ask them to look for a reason Vera is having Communication issues and report back.


I just want to double check so the recommendation is…
Do run UPnP Proxy App
Disable the Vera UPnP (EnableUPnP and UpnpScanning atttributes)

Is this also related to the Networking checkbox on Networking settings: Auto detect devices on my home network

Are those two attributes tied that checkbox or are these different things entirely? I have never see recommendations to zero out those two attributes, so wanted to see if they were related to the checkbox on the Network settings or not.

  1. After running the code posted by Rigpapa the Enable UPnP Check Box option on the User & Account Info - Security page is now “NOT CHECKED”
  2. I am running the UPnP Event Proxy App Current Version: 5.0.
    I noticed the Auto Update is not checked…???
    Perhaps I should update?
  3. Networking & Wifi - Automatic Device Detection
    Auto detect devices on my home network IS STILL CHECKED

Hope that answers your question.
I’m on a Vera Edge BTW.

I think that’s the current version. This is a very old plugin but it’s job is well-defined and narrow, so, as I sometimes say, it is as reliable as a thrown brick.

I would turn it off.

So do I send this old APP packing and just delet it?
Is it needed for the older GE Remotes 456000 to run scenes through Vera?

Your Sonos plugin wants it. It’s actually a great tool that really helps the Sonos plugin UI be much more responsive, with a much lower load on Vera system resources. You have… 9 zones… I think that may be the largest Sonos network I’ve seen… that would be a lot of polling. The proxy helps the plugin eliminate polling, and it’s very lightweight and efficient.

Gotcha. I’ll keep the “old girl” Enabled.
Do I (we) need to enable Auto Detect Devices when adding a new device?

Is 20286.0925 the latest hotfix?

No. The plugin does its own discovery. Most do, in fact. The discovery done by Vera directly is only for its benefit, and seems to have little actual benefit that I’ve ever witnessed. Generates lots of confusing log messages, though, so that’s pretty on-brand.

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