Spirit Plus TRV & Secure SSR-303

Hi all,

New Vera user coming from Devolo (don’t ask!!!).

I have a couple issues that cover a number of items, hoping somebody can assist. I’m really liking Vera Plus so far, but there’s just these nigglies!

I have added 7off Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave Plus TRV’s as generic z-wave devices as it looks like they are not supported directly. There are some forum posts dating back to 2017…so I was wondering if it’s on the horizon to add it to Vera properly.
I get CANT’T DETECT DEVICE every now and then, and running Scene’s with those devices sometimes take a few goes to run.

I have a Secure SSR303 (same as Horstmann ASR-ZW) and again no native device support in Vera, I added it as a generic z-wave device. It works ok, but every now and then it will switch to the OFF position and the Network light on it starts to flash. Simply activating it manually kicks it into life again, but by that time it’s already turned off my heating boiler for x amount of time.

Appreciate any help.



Is this the same as the Secure SRT321? If so I may be able to help, but mine is supported (AFAICT) natively

EDIT: Just called up the manual for mine, and it’s identical to the Horstman manual so we should be able to fix this


Thats sounds promising…

The SSR-321 is the wall thermostat with the knob/LCD
The SSR-303 is the relay, mine has 3 pushbuttons (ON, OFF, NETWORK), 3 led’s on it.

I am using the 303 without the 321, I just have the 303 as a simple Vera controlled relay.

It’s frustrating, thats 3 times today it’s just switched itself off (OFF led on) and Network light on.


Ahh right. Same like mine?

So What’s controlling it in the Vera? Have you looked at the logs?



I have a scene written so that any one of the thermostats (TRV’s) goes above 9 degC then it sets the SSR-303 to ON mode.

I also have a number of scenes to control each TRV at various times of the day, and if the target temp is set above 9 degC there also then it sets the SSR-303 to ON mode also.

The only thing that turns the SSR-303 to OFF mode is at 11pm at night a scene runs to turn all TRV’s down to 8degC and the SSR-303 to OFF.

Therefore, there is nothing that should be setting the SSR-303 to OFF during normal course of the day. And the fact that the NETWORK led is lit on the SSR indicates to me that it’s lost comms or somehow dropped off the network partially…and when I set it to ON via Vera it pops back to ON mode again and the NETWORK led goes out.

The only log is “DEVICE RESPONDING AGAIN” when I pop it back on via Vera. I’ll keep my eye on the logs more often though. new to Vera so didn’t much see them before.


OK, with you so far. This sounds like as soon as the temperature drops below or the TRVs are turned up, the SSR-303 goes on.

What is meant to happens if someone comes and turns the TRV down, or the temperature on one of them goes above 9C?

How many TRV’s do you have?

How are you with ssh and a command line?

If you can ssh into ver and
cd /var/log/cmh
grep ‘device: yy’ LuaUPnP.log | grep -i mode

Where yy is your device id for the SSR, you should see it turning on and off. That may give you some idea.

I suspect I know what’s happening, but I don’t want to jump to conclusions without fully understanding your set up and what your expectation is.



I am only monitoring target temp, not actual temp. It’s just a way to only run the boiler when any one or more of the TRV’s demand it. The reason for 8 degC is because under Devolo that was the minimum temp for Spirit TRV’s.

If anyone turns a TRV down then as long as at least one of them is still 9degC or more then the SSR-303 remians ON. Same happens if a Schedule turns one of them up above 9degC or more.

If all TRV’s are set below 9degC either manually or by schedule etc then SSR-303 turns OFF. Boiler not required.

I have 7 TRV’s.

I’ll try logging in later this evening, been a while (Linux) but I should manage.


Meantime…the SSR-303 just switched to OFF again…so looked at logs under device settings/logs and no entry in it for the random OFF. Hmmm!

Unless there are log files elsewhere I can look at?


And there, I think is your problem. What I was expecting. You have a scene for each TRV?

(Although there could be a secondary issue with the Network light flashing)


/var/log/cmh/LuaUPnP.log is the puppy. I’ve never found the device / settings logs to show anything


I have 5off Time based Schedule triggers.

Each one had all 7 TRV’s in the device actions of each…i.e. set target temp is set to whatever I want for that TRV at that particular time.
There’s also an action to turn ON the SSR-303 in each (just incase it was off before hand for whatever reason).

I also have a another Scene, a device trigger that monitors the target temps on all 7 TRV’s and if any of them go above 9degC or higher than turns on the SSR-303. This scene is required just incase the boiler happens to be off say in the middle of the night and a user turn up one of the TRV;s manually, i.e. outside the normal schedules.

I was looking for conflicts but can’t really see anything, especially since there is just the one trigger based schedule, all the rest are time based schedules so out of the picture.

The only thing I don’t have yet that I had under Devolo (but not supported out of the box under Vera) is to turn the SSR-303 OFF if it detects all TRV’s target temps are set below 9degC. I think I might need Reactor or Pleg for that.

Appreciate your help by the way…cheers!


Got it

Got it

I would.

So you need to look in the Lua log file. Polls and ModeTarget / ModeStatus. My expectation was that Lua was parsing the last scene and you were expecting each TRV to be able to keep the SRR on.

Might be worth posting your Parameters and Variables from the SRR and I can compare with mine


Appreciate your help Catman…but I have news.

I hooked up a Devolo Smartplug into Vera (basically operates as a relay same as SSR-303) and it is fine, I ran them in parallel on the same scenes etc. and only the SSR-303 switched off.

I’ve put aside Vera (calm words for dumped) and may revisit it again in the future. Too many bugs…

And I contemplated ripping the guts out of the Smartplug and putting it into the SSR-303 housing…however, the Spirit TRV’s either don’t show temperatures, allow the radiator to go too hot every now and then - out of control set to 21degC but temp goes up to 25degC and have to pull the batteries) or show up as device error in Vera.

I may be back, but for now have fitted a normal old school timer switch and put normal manual TRV’s on all my radiators.
I suffered at the hands of Devolo bug after bug and taking months/years to fix…and I am not about to do the same with Vera.

Hopefully I will be back…I will be keeping an eye on firmware and news updates, but for now it’s my opinion that both Vera and Devolo need to roll out fixes a LOT more often, the Spirit TRV issue was first reported in 2017 I think.


Well that sucks. Very odd indeed. As I said, I have one that’s totally fine, but I appreciate your sentiment!