Telnet LUA Script, to turn on/off device

That looks like it will get the job done (the read() function). You do not need to make functions for the other steps, that only makes it more complicated/minimal re-use benefit in this case.

Ok, factoring all the advice so far, I’ve got this, but I keep getting an error in the code…

Code error: Line 20: ‘’ expected near ‘print’

local CommandtoSend = 'S POWER 1\r' 
print("Command is:", CommandtoSend) 

local socket = require("socket") 
host = "" -- CYP 

c = assert(socket.connect(host, 23)) 
c:setoption('tcp-nodelay', true) 

local data, emsg, partial = client:receive(pattern, prefix)
  if data then
    return data
  if partial and #partial > 0 then
    return partial
  return nil, emsg

print("data=", data)
print("emsg=", emsg)
print("partial=", partial)

local sres, serr = c:send(CommandtoSend) 
print("Send:", sres, serr)

local data, emsg, partial = client:receive(pattern, prefix)
  if data then
    return data
  if partial and #partial > 0 then
    return partial
  return nil, emsg

print("data=", data)
print("emsg=", emsg)
print("partial=", partial)


Your print statement comes directly after a return statement. This is illegal syntax since there’s obviously no way to reach that statement.

You’ve left the function wrapper off from your copied code.

Thanks @akbooer

I assumed I shouldn’t use the function wrapper to avoid making it too complicated, but ok, I’ve tried to address that now; and while the code runs without any errors, it does not return anything.

local CommandtoSend = 'S POWER 1\r' 
print("Command is:", CommandtoSend) 

function read(client, pattern, prefix)
	local data, emsg, partial = c:receive(pattern, prefix)
 	if data then
		return data
	if partial and #partial > 0 then
		return partial
		return nil, emsg

local socket = require("socket") 
host = "" -- CYP 
c = assert(socket.connect(host, 23)) 
c:setoption('tcp-nodelay', true) 


print("data=", data)
print("emsg=", emsg)
print("partial=", partial)

local sres, serr = c:send(CommandtoSend) 
print("Send:", sres, serr)


print("data=", data)
print("emsg=", emsg)
print("partial=", partial)


LuaTest output is as follows…

Print output

Command is: S POWER 1
Send: nil closed

You aren’t receiving the returned values from read(), and the variables used inside the function are local, so they are out of scope where you are trying to print them. You also are not passing in any of the required arguments to read().

Try changing your read() statement (the one right before the print statements only) to:

local data,emsg = read(c,2048,nil)

Well, let me mention to you, for at least the third time*, that if you’re going to do this type of stuff, then you really need to knuckle down and get to know Lua a little better… :wink:


To be honest it’s likely way more than three times :joy:
(I can’t believe you would drag up our past like that :wink:)

Sadly it’s the same old story with me; a recurring theme - my job/workload and other personal matters just take up so much of my time - but then when I find nice extended periods to commit/focus, i do feel like I’m getting better at Lua, only then for something to come up that requires all my time again, and I end up taking loads of steps back…

You’ll be pleased to hear that I can do a few things now in Lua, and I assumed this telnet one, would be the same as the hdmi matrix set up (another one you helped me with I think :wink:) but it didn’t work and I couldn’t find out why - i had to submit a post here.

1 Like

Thanks @rigpapa - I’ve updated the read() items to what you suggested above, and while it took some time to run, it sadly didn’t change anything on the presentation switch.

FYI - LuaTest reported the following

> **Results**
> No errors
> Runtime: 20022.7 ms
> Code returned: nil
> **Print output**
> Command is:     S POWER 1      
> data=     ==================================== 
> Telnet command service  
> command '?' for help  
> command 'quit' for quit  
> ==================================== 
> emsg=     
> partial=     
> Send:     10     
> data=     
> emsg=     timeout     
> partial=

Any further thoughts ?

Hi @parkerc. Not sure if this may help? I wasted several hours recently trying to send commands to an iTach, and encountered the same problem that it worked OK sent as telnet from my PC but not as Lua code from Vera. I eventually found the problem to be that the device wanted the send string in double quotes rather than single quotes when sent from Vera. Try sending “S POWER 1\n”.

Hi @WarrenWills

Many thanks for that suggestion, unfortunately that doesn’t work either, plus some other variations e.g. ‘\r\n’ were suggested by @rigpapa too - but no luck there. Do you have some working code for your set up - that I could try ?

As I obtain an initial response when I connect, it’s clear I have the correct connection details, i can only think its the sequence or maybe a timing issue? I’ve tried to update the code so the command is sent twice at two different points, no luck there either.

Maybe It needs a luup.sleep or a luup_call.delay added, perhaps ?

local CommandtoSend = 'S POWER 1\r' 

local CommandtoSend1 = 'S POWER 1\r' 

print("Command is:", CommandtoSend) 

function read(client, pattern, prefix)
	local data, emsg, partial = c:receive(pattern, prefix)
 	if data then
		return data
	if partial and #partial > 0 then
		return partial
		return nil, emsg

local socket = require("socket") 
host = "" -- CYP 
c = assert(socket.connect(host, 23)) 
c:setoption('tcp-nodelay', true) 

local sres, serr = c:send(CommandtoSend) 
print("Send:", sres, serr)

local data,emsg = read(c,2048,nil)

print("data=", data)
print("emsg=", emsg)
print("partial=", partial)

local sres, serr = c:send(CommandtoSend1) 
print("Send:", sres, serr)

local data,emsg = read(c,2048,nil)

print("data=", data)
print("emsg=", emsg)
print("partial=", partial)


Output from LuaTest is…

**Print output**
Command is:     S POWER 1      
Send:     10     
data=     ==================================== 
Telnet command service  
command '?' for help  
command 'quit' for quit  

Send:     10     
emsg=     timeout     

There is a ‘timeout’ reported which make me wonder about the timing that things are sent to be read and write ?

This is the simple script that I use in a Vera scene to turn on my Optoma projector (wired Ethernet) and turn on a Panasonic Video Recorder (iTach using IR). I haven’t tried tweaking the luup sleep time - it works fine with (1050) so I left it at that.

local socket = require(“socket”)
host = “”
port = 23
c = assert(socket.connect(host, port))
c:send(“~0100 1\r”)

local socket = require(“socket”)
host = “”
port = 4998
c = assert(socket.connect(host, port))

Thanks @WarrenWillis

I gave it a go, as it made me wonder if the pause (luup.sleep) you had might play a part, but alas not - i still can’t get it to work via LUA code.

I’ve also had a go at some subtle variations of what I‘m sending too, but again still no luck… :frowning:

local sres, serr = c:send("S POWER 1/r") 
local sres, serr = c:send(string.char(0x0A).."S POWER 1"..string.char(0x0D))
local sres, serr = c:send(string.char(10).."S POWER 1"..string.char(13))
local sres, serr = c:send("S POWER 1"..string.char(0x0D)) 

I just can’t work out why i can control it by sending the same command ‘S POWER 1" via a telnet app, but not via lua code…

If you or anyone else reading this can think of anything else I could try, I’d appreciate it.

Ok, I stumbled across an interesting post/comment on Stack overflow, which suggests a sleep in-between commands. Of which there seems to be quite a few options

As I’m using lua sockets, it feels like this would be the best option.

local socket = require 'socket'

But now everything times out…

How can I best Include ‘sleep’ when I want to both send command and also read responses. Do things like and overall c:settimeout() becomes important? If so how best do you work out the timings between each action ? Trying to get the order/sequence correct.

Current code, which is running ok, but it’s still not turning the device on.

function read(client, pattern, prefix)
	local data, emsg, partial = c:receive(pattern, prefix)
 	if data then
		return data
	if partial and #partial > 0 then
		return partial
		return nil, emsg

local socket = require("socket") 
host = "" -- CYP 
c = assert(socket.connect(host, 23)) 
c:setoption('tcp-nodelay', true) 
local data,emsg = read(c,2048,nil)

print("data=", data)
print("emsg=", emsg)
print("partial=", partial)


local sres, serr = c:send("S POWER 1/r") 
print("Send:", sres, serr)

local data,emsg = read(c,2048,nil)

print("data=", data)
print("emsg=", emsg)
print("partial=", partial)


LuaTest print output is still the same, it feels like I somehow need to keep the connection alive and then send the next command, but as you can see from the below, the second read times out, any ideas why ?

Print output

> data=     ==================================== 
> Telnet command service  
> command '?' for help  
> command 'quit' for quit  
> ==================================== 
> emsg=     
> partial=     
> Send:     11     
> data=     
> emsg=     timeout     
> partial=

This version works perfectly for me when run on the Vera using the lua command on the command line (e.g. lua test.lua if the code is saved in test.lua, but you can also run it directly by entering lua with no filename and then pasting the code into the terminal window).

function read(client, pattern, prefix)
	local data, emsg, partial = client:receive(pattern, prefix) -- fixed incorrect reference to "c"
 	if data then
		return data
	if partial and #partial > 0 then
		return partial
	return nil, emsg

socket = require("socket") 
host = "" -- CYP 
c = socket.connect(host, 23)
print("Connected to",c:getpeername())
c:setoption('tcp-nodelay', true)
data,emsg = read(c,2048,nil)

print("data=", data)
print("emsg=", emsg)
-- print("partial=", partial) -- partial is not in scope here!


sres, serr = c:send("S POWER 1\r\n") 
print("Send:", sres, serr)

data,emsg = read(c,2048,nil)

print("data=", data)
print("emsg=", emsg)
-- print("partial=", partial) -- partial is not in scope here!


Scope seems to be the issue. It seems right to use local in the outmost level of the program, but this has side-effects in Lua depending on how the code is run. For the way I was testing (lua on command line) the local declarations at the top level need to be removed. If you put this code in scene Lua, though, Vera wraps that in a function, so in that case, using local is highly desirable. But that odd behavior of Lua isn’t the only scope issue, and you really need to learn how variable scope works and use it properly. You cannot write safe programs/plugins for Luup until you do.

Edit: here’s an example of the Lua oddity I’m referring to when on the command line. Counter-intuitive, isn’t it?

root@MiOS_XXXXXX:~# lua
Lua 5.1.5  Copyright (C) 1994-2012, PUC-Rio (double int32)
> local n = 5
> =n

Many thanks @rigpapa

A few quick questions for you…

I’ve never used lua from the command line before; how and where do you save the files to on Vera, so they are accessible?

Does that same rule apply when I use LuaTest and the Vera UI under apps/develop apps/test luup code ?

When you SSH into Vera, most of the filesystem is available to you (except where it’s on read-only volumes). If you SSH in, the default home directory for the root user (which is /root) is writable, so you can just put the file there.

“Test Luup Code” in the native UI wraps the code in a function (sort of, there are more details to that, but let’s just simplify it to that), so in this context, local is recommended. I am not sure what “LuaTest” does (or is, I’ve never used it).

Awesome thanks @rigpapa

Well, based on what you shared- I’ve tried various ways now and sadly I still can’t seem to get it to do anything.

It’s clear it connects, as I get the initial response back, but for the life of me I just can’t understand why I can’t get a subsequent command to be recognised…


One other change in my version that may not be obvious… your version was sending S POWER 1/r which uses the wrong /, you have to use backslash, as in S POWER 1\r so make sure you captured that change as well.

Thanks @rigpapa, I sadly may have to admit defeat on this one.

I’ve been surfing around trying to find other working examples and have now also tried adding this to the code - But alas no luck…

client:setoption("keepalive", true)
client:setoption("reuseaddr", true)

Plus I found some code that adds a repeat, so I could repeatedly send the command. But alas no luck…

    print("Sending message request...")
    assert(client:send("S POWER 1" .. "\r"))

    print("Message request sent! Waiting for message...")
	data, errormsg = client:receive()
    if data then
        print("Message received!")
        print("Failed to receive message.")
until not client

LuaTest output.

Attempting connection to server '' and port 23...     
Sending message request...     
Message request sent! Waiting for message...     
Message received!     
Sending message request...     
Message request sent! Waiting for message...     
Message received!     
Telnet command service      
Sending message request...     
Message request sent! Waiting for message...     
Message received!     
command '?' for help      
Sending message request...     
Message request sent! Waiting for message...     
Message received!     
command 'quit' for quit      
Sending message request...     
Message request sent! Waiting for message...     
Message received!     
Sending message request...     
Message request sent! Waiting for message...     
Failed to receive message.

Sadly I have to admit defeat on this one. If anyone comes across this thread and finds a way to communicate with an obviously stubborn device/telnet connection I’d love to hear it.

It’s clear a connection can be made, and the initial response is received, it’s just that no subsequent commands seem to be accepted.

I’m still surprised that there is not a generic (user customisable) app/plug-in for this sort of thing - one that creates a constant client connection to an IP connected device. These days theses types of connections often have the ability to capture status information as well as send commands.