Unable to login to my vera account on home.getvera.com

Sorry @Catman, probably I don’t understand but what “stuff” can you don’t do when connected via IP?

Access alerts, or delete them, for one.

Not hugely important in terms of control but was just making sure I wasn’t missing anything!


I can login now, but I can’t see my controllers


Alexa still not working either. Patience I guess


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Got a controller now but unable to get status :slight_smile:

Alexa’s message has changed as well so clearly progress



Controller status is Online

Error is that the selected controller has no internet access :smiley:

But it has just let me in. Once :slight_smile:


Things should restore slowly, your controllers are still attached to your account despite the error message. Nothing to do from your side unfortunately :frowning:

Super @Sorin Thank you for your update.

Alexa is doing her thing as well. Phew!


Login and all other Vera online services should approach 100% availability in the next few minutes. We are monitoring the results.

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Just to let you know, my beta Atom is not coming online and is flashing 3 seconds on, 3 seconds off.

BS I can’t get my controllers to appear no matter how long I wait How do I fix this.