Vera Concierge Smart Home

Attempting to add “Vera Concierge Smart Home”

After adding device and Selecting User Account in Google Home App, “Linking your Vera Concierge Smart Home account”. A quick message at the bottom of the screen states “Couldn’t update the settings, check your network connection.”

If I look under “Explore” in the “Google Home” add, both “Vera Concierge Smart Home” and “Vera Concierge” show that they are linked

Each time I ask Google to turn on a particular light, the response is “It looks like those lights haven’t been setup yet”, sends me back to Google Home. Google Home states “Link smart home devices”, when I click “LINK DEVICES NOW”, it puts me back into “Home control”, if I click the + to add, I’m right back where I started.

Any ideas?


Have you done:,48913.0.html

Hi Richard,

Yes. VC is working. It’s the new feature with “Vera Concierge Smart Home” that im having issues with.

If ask Vera Concierge to turn off a light, that works, if I ask google to shut off the same light, that does not.



Do these commands work with smart home? Cant seem to get this string to respond properly from my google device.

Please <on, turn on, set on, off, turn off, set off, flip, toggle> <all, every, each> switch in the


Google defines the supported syntax for things under the “Home Control” menu that the Vera Concierge Smart Home app interfaces with.

I have not found a good definition of all the commands … the following is from google … and I know it is not complete!

You can provide ALIASES for your device using the “Configuration” page on the Local concierge server.

Does that mean I need to set my rooms up in the Google home app as well?


Hi Richard,

Now that Google has removed “Vera Concierge” and I still cannot get your new feature “Vera Concierge Smart Home” to work, I’m completely down.

If ask Vera Concierge to turn off a light, that works, if I ask Google to shut off the same light, that does not.

Ay ideas?


Create shortcuts in google home app.

Shortcuts wont solve this issue, I cannot get “Vera Concierge Smart Home” to link correctly. Please see the attachments.

I Also notice this in the VCS log each time I attempt to link “Vera Concierge Smart Home” in “Google Home” App

Feb 3, 2018 4:08:14 PM V:CSWebContainer:Cmd:/SHSync?Serial=&User=#####################

Vera Concierge Smart Home has been pulled by Google apparently.

“Vera Concierge” has been temporarily disabled, “Vera Concierge Smart Home” should stull be working, it just is not working for me.

Hasn’t worked for me since the google app update…

Which google App update ?
It’s working for me … and I am using the commercial version.

“Vera Concierge Smart Home” has never worked for me, I’m currently on the commercial version


[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:14, topic:198382”]Which google App update ?
It’s working for me … and I am using the commercial version.[/quote]

When I used the home control app listed under Home control (the new one google approved) versus using explore to use Vera… all things stopped working.
Now I did do a firmware update to my Vera Lite, so I’m not sure what happened but now nothing works.

When I unlinked and tried to link back up, only the google released VC app is listed under Home Control., but I thought that doesn’t work or should not be even listed.
I’m a little confused as to what should be going on.

My Concierge server all works and sees my google home,mini and chrome cast. It seems I can not link VERA under the app as it uses only the home control app 3.0

Tested mine just now and still 100% working

Without using aliases !!!
There are two Voice Interfaces:
1) Google Home → Home Control
Where devices are added using Vera Concierge Smart Home
OK Google Turn on the Office Light

  2) Google Home  ->  Vera Concierge Assistant
      OK Google Ask Vera Concierge to turn on the Office Light

The (2) one is down right now (all because they did not like an Icon I used) and I am in the process of getting it re-instated.

[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:18, topic:198382”]Without using aliases !!!
There are two Voice Interfaces:
1) Google Home → Home Control
Where devices are added using Vera Concierge Smart Home
OK Google Turn on the Office Light

  2) Google Home  ->  Vera Concierge Assistant
      OK Google Ask Vera Concierge to turn on the Office Light

The (2) one is down right now (all because they did not like an Icon I used) and I am in the process of getting it reinstated.[/quote]

Hmmm, I have linked and unlinked option one and still doesn’t work. I did a firmware upgrade to the latest on my Vera Lite. I had to factory reset and restore from backup since there was a limitation on storage. I must have done something. My start LUA shows correctly as require Vera Concierge and Concierge Server lua file is there as well.

Another thing I noticed… the Concierge server web page under software does not list any software any longer. Is this supposed to be this way now?

Any hint as to what I’m missing here?


Did you go through:,48913.0.html

The software list is fetched periodically in the background … if you restarted the Concierge Server it will take a while before it sees it.