Zooz Zen15

Zooz Z-Wave Plus Power Switch ZEN15.

I have this device attached to a freezer. I can turn it on and off. It is suppose to monitor power consumption and report it. It seems to randomly report live power usage. I have search quite a bit for information regarding advanced parameters to change to make it work properly. Does anyone have any experience that you can share?

Currently Vera reports it as a Light and not an outlet.

Randomly it reports watts

you are in better shape than me with the ZEN15. I was enable to control it from my veralite. It’s been incorporate in the network but failed to initialize properly. On/Off can be activated from the GUI but does not turn the device on or off. I got the following message: Failed at: Getting the version (see picture attached)

I exclude and include it again to make sure with the same result. I wonder if it’s a bad module or incompatibility between veralite and ZEN15.

How did you manage to make it work?


That screen shot looks like UI5. Perhaps you need UI7? Just guessing.

I have the Zooz Z-Wave Plus Power Switch ZEN15 working correctly on UI7 (1.7.3232) with no issues I suspect that it won’t work properly on UI5.

Migrating to UI7 fixed it.

Now I see reports. but I get a strange energy report:
Last 24 Hours
High: 408.61 W / 11:16am
Low: -2,147,482.74 W / 4:13am
Average: -17,257.24 W
Total: -414.2 kWh/day

What is negative energy !!!

I added a ZEN15 to my zwave network recently. It’s a great device, but there was one major problem.

It took me a while to trace this issue, and only by examining the logs and isolating the device was I able figure this out. Hopefully this might help others.

The ZEN15 started flooding the logs with energy reports, once per second. This caused a huge performance hit across the entire network.

According to the manual, the energy consumption report interval is supposed to be 60 seconds by default and it can be changed by altering parameter 171. Instead, I was getting reports every 1 second and changing parameter 171 made no difference.

Thanks to ZOOZ support, i found by changing parameter 152 (power threshhold) to 0, I was able to get the frequency to honor the value set in 171.

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