"Zwave: Configuring Z-wave devices in your system" endless loop

Yay! Firmware update did the trick. I’ve now connected through home.getvera.com.

Problem now is that the earliest available Backup is AFTER I tried installing the troublesome device. I need to Backup to an earlier version. Is there anyway I can do this other than getting a hold of Customer Support?

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Seems like it only goes back 24 hours. I need to go back around 72hrs ago.
I’m very much tempted to restore to the 24hr mark in the hope that now I have purged space and have new Firmware that this will resolve the original problem.
That’s not ideal though. Going back to before adding the crappy SS6 would be the best solution.
But I can’t really afford to wait any longer for Customer Care to get this fixed - I can’t turn off my bedroom light!

I’m sorry, but you’ll need them to access older backups. Try to restore it anyway and let’s ping @Sorin, hoping he could speed up your ticket.

I suggest you to do local backups everytime you’ll modify something.

Perfect. I tempted fate and did the restore from 24hrs ago which is after the problem started. It now doesn’t seem there is the continual z-wave configuration anymore. So must have been space or FW related.
@therealdb thanks so much for your patience and help with this matter, it’s been invaluable.
I’ll be sure to run that space purge ssh command every now and then and also do a local backup before I add any devices.
Thanks again.

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Happy to have been useful.

Sorry, one other thing… is there a logical explanation why none of the scenes from my backup are active? They all seem to be present and on but none of them are playing out after the restore.

Thanks for summoning. I’ve just nudged out our tech team to try and get back to @jezzalencko ASAP.

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I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s related to your problems. I used to edit user_data.json file by hand, but it’s not trivial. Try first with support.