AltAppStore problem

help please?

I have tried to run the newest new_altappstore_install.lua, it created a plugin with the name D_AltAppStore.xml #0-x
For some reason I see 2 devices AltAppStore and AltAppStore 1 with 2 consecutive device ids

However when I try to click on any Alt btn in App Store it immediately gives me Failure. I have no idea where to dig, LuaUPnP.log on Vera shows nothing

Where did you get the install file? I don’t recognise the name.

The latest GitHub version is 2018.02.24b, so hasn’t changed in a while.


Edit: actually, the latest is currently 2018.08.14

right there,38102.0.html

Oh, THAT file!

My apologies, that is indeed out of date. I have just updated GitHub with the latest, and adjusted that post to remove the original files there.

Suggest that you delete both your failed attempts and try again…

I’ve just run the latest on my Vera Edge and in the AltUI Lua Code Test window you should see this response:

AltAppStore_install   2018.08.14   @akbooer
getting latest AltAppStore version tar file from GitHub...
un-zipping download files...
creating AltAppStore plugin device
status = 0
response = { "u:CreateDeviceResponse": { "DeviceNum": "55" } }

Got it. Sorry, it was not clear for me I should be looking for a git initially.

It works now, thx a lot.

On a side note, do you know if there are descriptions for plugins? I am playing russian roulette ;D Maybe I just don’t see it?

Glad you got it to work, and thanks for pointing out the erroneous file so that it could be fixed for others.

For the plugins (I assume that you mean the ones in the Alt App Store) all of them are available in GitHub, which is where their appropriate documentation should be. Additionally, for installed plugins, there is a help button against each on the AlUI > Plugins page, which should also link to the relevant information.

wtf??? rulete (spelled wrong on purpose) was changed to “I will not be a spammer”

here it is spelled right “I will not be a spammer”

Oh! wow! Eastern egg!!! I am russian I will not be a spammer!!! “r o u l e t t e”

Ah… unless I go for a github there is no way to see a description? Interesting


PS. Just in case, I believe the problem was because I have 2 AltUI (on a master Vera and on a slave Vera), just guts feeling, but when I have deleted AltUI from slave there was no failure anymore

AltAppStore holds no code itself. It simply has metadata about the plugins, sufficient for Vera or openLuup to locate and download/update the plugins themselves from GitHub.

PS. Just in case, I believe the problem was because I have 2 AltUI...

That would have been quite helpful to know in the first place!

sorry, I totally forgot I have another one