Armtripped not accurate

Strange issue, not sure how to resolve

I have a number of motion and window sensors are used to trigger actions but only when armed.

I use the armedtripped variable to do this.

I noticed that if I disarm a sensor while it is tripped, when rearming it even though both armed and tripped are 1 , the armedtripped is still 0 until I actually either trip it again by motion or open and close the window to trip it again?

Obviously not a reliable situation, any ideas?

Sounds like working by design. I’m struggling to see the use case where you’d want an action to take place when arming a sensor that you’d also want to be done on armedtripped, but it’s not my automation and I’m famously un-imaginative :wink:

Use reactor to use armed AND tripped?


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I want the action to take place when arming a sensor that is actually tripped.

I do use reactor but was hoping to use one variable rather than two conditions.

Not sure why that design is accurate, eventually when the device does its wake up it will change to Armedtripped.

I see.

I think the design is accurate because it wasn’t armedtripped is all. It was disarmedtripped. Just feels like a design decision but I wasn’t there :slight_smile:

But now that it is armed, it becomes armtripped. Like I said earlier, both armed and tripped are 1. For some reason it takes a re-tripping (or seemingly a wake up) to get the variable of armedtripped to read 1 as well.

Anyway… if I can figure some way to force this to happen that would work as well otherwise I will have to set two variables for each condition in reactor.


Not sure this matters to you but many motion and door/window sensors only send a message when tripped and do not send a message when motion not detected or the door/window is closed. I set the AutoUntrip variable to 5 so that they automatically untrip after 5 seconds.

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Don’t think that’s the issue. These sensors are still tripped.

Even if there were some command that can run on all of these to flip them that would be great. Right now they show armed 1, armedtripped 0, tripped 1