Cooper RF 9500

Ha ha, guess one has to hope for a little magic on top of the knowlege, Thanks much for your input, waiting for mine to come in the mail!

You Rock Rancho, my RF9500 is installed and working great, I would NEVER have figured that out without your instructions, Many Thanks

I’m glad to hear it. I’d like to install these in a couple of other places but they’re so expensive, it may be a month or two.

Now if we can just get these minimotes figured out!

true, the expense is off the hook, It’s kind of an addiction , Ditto on the minimotes!

Has anyone tried controlling a complex scene (i.e. HVAC/lock/sensor/Luup and not just light) with Cooper RF9500? I don’t have one, so can’t try myself ::slight_smile: . But I am looking for a simple and semi-stationary way to activate a scene… Please advise.

denix: next time I’m onsite (in a few days) I’ll try setting up a multi device (not all scene aware) scene assigned to the RF9500 and report back,(have only used it as a remote switch so far)

I’m more interested if RF9500 is available as an event trigger for a scene. Lets say I have a scene with complex logic (Luup code) and I want to “Add Event” → Device: RF9500 → A scene is activated, etc. and if it will work by running this scene when its button is pressed. Thanks.

That is what I meant to do (run a multi device, not just lights, scene when the button is pressed), just minus the complex logic as I have not learned how to do Luup coding, is the test not useful without that part?

I don’t think it will matter very much. Please let me know of your findings. Thanks!

@pgrover516, any luck using RF9500 as a scene activation controller?

Sorry, was there all last week and forgot to try it will be there again wed eve and will test it out, I think it will work as Vera sees it as a one button scene controller, will report back

No problem - thanks for the help!

@pgrover516, just a friendly reminder… ;D ::slight_smile:

haha, you must know me (forgetful) anyhow, tested successfully, it behaves like a button on any remote, I created a scene with some lights and arming a few HSM-100’s then added an event, chose the 9500 as device, chose “a scene is activated” from the dropdown, named the event and for “which scene number” put 0, I tried it with 1 first and that didn’t work, it runs the scene just fine, you may have to push the switch a few times to configure the scene, I’m not sure but the cog went to red (was green to start) until I did so, … I like this switch very well as it allows me to locate anywhere without wiring, my only beef with it is one I have heard from others and see myself, that when it has not been recently used I may have to push it twice to activate it, you can tell it hasn’t worked the first time as you can watch it and the led does not light on the first press and nothing activates, other than that one caveat it’s great

Thanks a lot! That should work for me. I only wish it wasn’t that expensive. Or even better - a similar one from Leviton to match the style… :slight_smile:

yea the cost is way too much, but would have been more expensive to ignore the princess’ complaints about walking into a dark kitchen when the switch is on the other side :-[

Just an update from a previous post where I complained that I needed to press the switch on my 9500 multiple times to make it work. I thought it was going to sleep and needed to wake up (on the first press) and then it would function (sometimes) on the second press.

I took off the cover and pressed on the battery contacts, which moved the batteries around a little. Now the switch works first time, every time! I assume my problem was simply a poor connection of the batteries with the switch’s contacts. Now it’s perfect.

I guess I’ll take out a loan and order a couple more for other locations.

Thanks for good news!

Second mortgage? ;D

Thanks for the tip rancho, I’ll try it on mine

Damned if it aint so rancho, just pressed in on the batteries and they “gave” a bit like they were seating better and low and behold havn’t had to double press in 24 hours, Cool!