Fibaro Single/Double Switch 2 FGS-2x3 Energy Monitoring

Hi All,

This is possibly an extremely dumb question. I did a search online and on this forum but couldn’t find an answer…

How do I get the active power reading (wattage) for a Fibaro Single/Double Switch 2 FGS-2x3 to show up on a Vera Edge?

I’ve also got a Fibaro Home Center and the wattage is just displayed clear as day on the device’s overview but I can’t find it on Vera.

Apologies again if this is a stupid question but any help would be greatly appreciated.


Should be visible under device name, in the left top quarter of the device panel.
If the device is not used, it shows “0” as a usage (i.e. “0.0 Watts”).
From my experience, sometimes it takes couple of minutes after pairing to see such writing.
I have FGS-223 and it presents readings correctly

Thanks for that.

That is where I thought it should be present but couldn’t see it. Device has been paired for weeks.

Would you have a screenshot showing it to make sure I’m looking in the correct spot?