Installing VeraEdge using WiFi

I’m trying to install VeraEdge to my home network without using ethernet. The instructions are not clear.

I’d like to know the answer to this as well.
I have an Edge located in a remote location which is not accessible, the SSID of Vera is broadcasting but I’m not able to log in.

We had to connect it via the ethernet cable to our router and then join it to the Vera controller using the SSID and password and assign it a static IP address.

Yep that’s the way to do it. Wire first and change the vera mode from an AP to be a client and then gave set up your SSID and credentials…

When Vera is in AP mode and broadcasting you can connect to its Hotspot and login with the password on the bottom label of the unit if you haven’t changed it. Then connect to its web interface by accessing the Vera host IP.