Netatmo Wind Gauge

I’m on ui7 but don’t recall what plug in version I’m on. If the app store version has it then I’ll give it a go, thanks

Installed new version from appstore and all is good - great work, love the plugin!

Hi All,

Can anyone show me how I can access the other variables on the Wind Gauge, I like to be able to use Gust strength and other parameters in a scene. Can I make more devices or do I need to access the value via Lua script?


There’s no need to have variables as discrete child devices in order to be able to use them in a scene.

From Lua, you would access them in the same way as any other device variable, using luup.variable_get()

Triggering a scene from an arbitrary variable is more difficult, since Vera’s UPnP-defined triggers are not available for everything. You could choose either to run a scene on a fixed schedule, or use a device variable watch callback to run some code when it changes.

Depends a lot on exactly what you are wanting to do.

Thanks for quick answer!

I am a bit of a noob ::slight_smile: when it comes to Lua code, but I found an example and tried to adapt it. First is this the correct way to get the GustStrength variable? The plan is that this luup code will if GustStrength is above 6 m/s run a scene due to the true statement.

local HIGH_LEVEL = 6
local DEVICE_NO = 224
local WS_SID = “urn:akbooer-com:device:NetatmoMetric:1”

local currentLevel = luup.variable_get (WS_SID, “GustStrength”, DEVICE_NO)
currentLevel = tonumber(currentLevel)

if currentLevel >= HIGH_LEVEL then
return true
return false

It’s nearly correct…

The SID is incorrect and should be urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:GenericSensor1

I can’t be sure, though, since I don’t have a wind gauge!

You can always check the SID by hovering you mouspointer over the variable in the advanced tab of your device. It should show up as a tooltip.

Thanks for the tip!

I checked and akbooer is right about the SID.

Thanks all

I use PLEG with my Netatmo wind sensor. A snapshot of my status report is attached which shows the information you may be searching for.