PLUGIN: Honeywell Total Connect Comfort Thermostats


I mean I can only view the status of my TCC device, not control it. Installed ALTUI, same situation. None of the controls cause any action on my thermostat.

[quote=“CudaNet, post:534, topic:185402”]Give AltUI a try, the increase and decrease in temp is fluid. That comment from Honeywell concerns me.

Which interface are you using ?

To install I logged in using Vera’s UI7 website. Deleted devices, uploaded files locally, and it’s all working now. ;D

Had this working in UI 7 then downgraded to UI5 then everything stop working.

I uploaded the files per instructed in the two post below but I’m not able to detect my T-stat authorization passed just fine. Any suggestion?,30125.msg262513.html#msg262513,30125.msg261483.html#msg261483

The current version does not work with UI5 due to a missing json support file. I am testing the new version with the fix.

Good thing I asked, I just spent a few hours reading through threads of similar issue and trying all possible lua files. ;D

what a minute, I think I got it working…

Maybe this can help…

I did it in this exact order
1st. Install from the GUI entered the credentials and make sure it authenticate. At this point no T-Stat will be detected.
2nd. Upload files from here;topic=30125.0;attach=28057 This will cause the LUA to fail
3rd. Upload the 3 files from here,30125.msg261483.html#msg261483 this will detect the T-Stat but throw a bunch of NILL errors and get an error code 4 after it throws its tantrum
4th. Upload the LUA file attached here. This fixed the error code 4 and actually provides a reading the T-Stat

This is the only way I was able to get it to work. If you upload the files in 2nd step and replace the duplicate with the files in the 3rd steps and do it all together at once won’t work.

I found that LUA by going through some response you provided to someone else. This one is the one that works. This is the furthest I’ve been able to get with this plugin for a month now.

I remember we had to do something for the T-Stat to refresh on its own. Do you still need to do that now?

Yikes. It updates automatically now. You can probably use the existing version and just configure it thru the Variables Username and Password. Once you update restart luup and it should come up. The issue is whether you have dkjson.lua or json-dm.lua on the platform. They are on UI7 but not UI5 (at least not the UI5 I have here). I should have a new version up soon but am still trying to find out what is behind the stability issues.

Oh, my system has not failed since it fell apart Wed. I am running with PLEG installed now (not configured). Seems stable. I am running with logs on USB.

Hi all, First let me thank you for this great plugin. Running the plugin for 3 days now and all looks stable. I can use scenes which work for the child devices. However seems I have an issue on using the parent device. It doesn’t recognize the ThermostatID. I expect this to be the 7 digit number which I can also see at the child devices and it is also visible on the mytotalconnectcomfort site. Error in the log says failed to find device. any idea on this?

Which InterfaceType is this ? I assume Euro or EMEA. If that is the case the thermo ID is the location:thermo. Which actions are you trying to use, HoldSetpoint and CancelSetpointHold ? I am changing the API so you can either send to parent with the thermo ID (which is interface specific) or to the child with an empty thermo ID. The parent handles all actions for the child so it is really just a more natural way to address the thermo. For now use the location ID and the thermo ID separated by ‘:’.

Yes, 2 ping sensors and almost 4 days later. Solid as a rock !

Going to reload today and start testing an alarm panel plugin but I’ll keep the ping sensor and Honeywell running along side.

I’ am using interface Euro and setting holdsetpoint. Still get the same error: HNYWL TCC ERROR: TCC GetStatus failed result=2, resultText=Failed to find device Euro:1234567, LuaInterface::CallFunction_Job device 111 function SHoneywellTCC1_HoneywellTCC1_HoldSetpoint_job took 113 seconds

Look on the setup page, the ID listed is what you need to use. Some of the interfaces get a different type value for the ID (not always a number).

Thanks, I used that one already. Looks like the trick with the parent device will not work for me as I have defined my parent device (evohome central unit) to act as a thermostat. Therefore it behaves like all other thermostats and I have to set every thermostat to the needed setpoint. Still great plugin to use.

The new plugin has a setpoint page on the parent device where you can set the temp and hold time for all thermostats. Hopefully this will help. I am not sure what you mean by “defined my parent device (evohome central unit) to act as a thermostat”. I am not terribly familiar with the evohome setup other than what I have read in brochures. It looks like a heat only solution with support for domestic hot water. Each heat zone can have a setpoint with a hold time. The unit itself has a number of modes, on, off, economy, vacation, etc. I can not get those modes to work with my thermos but I do not have evohome, just US thermos configured in UK. I can test most things with this setup but apparently not all. I’ll do what I can but as I can’t run this myself it may be a bit difficult.

Thanks Mikee, Maybe the new plugin will solve the “issue”. What I mean is that in most cases the central evohome unit will not act as a thermostat but just as the central unit. With evohome the thermostats are connected to (multiple) heaters in a room and one of these will act as a thermostat for that room. This setup can be done in every room (zone). Instead of using the thermostat connected to the heater you can use the evohome central unit to measure the temperature in the room. That is what I did.
In the vera setup I do see the parent device so if the new plugin supports a holdsetpoint it might work. Still strange I cannot do the holdsetpoint from the plugin as it does show that option in the interface.

Ahh, so you mean you are using the parent device to issue a HoldSetpoint using PLEG. Just make sure you are using the whole ID from the setup panel. It will not have the name ‘Euro’ in it. That is the InterfaceType, not the location ID. There were some issues with the plugin assuming the ID would always be numeric (which they are not). I thought these were fixed. I’ll be posting a new version soon…

Oh wait, looks like advanced editor on a scene instead of PLEG. Should be the same thing, use the ID from the setup page…

@ ranneman: I think I have an installation with some similarities to yours.

[ul][li]Euro version[/li]
[li]I don’t use the built in temperature measurement of the radiator valves DT80 / DT92 (are built in under floor level, which makes local temperature measurement unreliable). I use the EvoHome touchscreen as temperature measurement for my living room, and have separate DT92 thermostat for the other rooms linked to the Evohome[/li][/ul]

The TCC app created 1 parent device and 5 child devices (1 for each room / zone). The temperature measurement for each child device follows the one defined in the Evohome system. So the touch panel for the living room, the DT92 for bathroom and 3 sleeping rooms. So for me there is no need to use the parent device. However, I have not created scenes etc. to manipulate the setpoints yet, for the moment I stick to the monitoring part.